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Wild fronty


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Gday guys I feel like showing off

This is my new wild caught Burundi male frontosa I brought home today

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I had purchased an Asian import but he only lasted 3 days he jumped into the cover glass until he moved it and then promptly onto the floor, so he didn’t get much of a chance to get friendly with the girls. So being out o pocket I thought why not go even deeper and get a wild caught specimen

Hope you like him I know I do

Cheers Justin

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Nice fish Justin!

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How does the wild caught from Burundi compare to the current Aussie stock?

There's been speculation over the years that our "Burundi" might actually be a cross from a few localities, crossed many moons ago when a "frontosa" was a "frontosa".

Can you pick any differences?

Nice fish by the way laugh.gif

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Gday guys thanks for the comments he is a nice looking fellow if I do say so myself

Yes the good old aussie frontosa could be a bit of mongrel but there is no harm in placing the true Burundi blood back into the mix IMO, there is quite a bit of difference taking into account that I only have one fish on which to make my observations.

The first thing I have seen in the last few hours is the baring is darker, this could just be stress at this stage but it does seem to be darker and there also is more blue in the body when held in the light, as you can see in the photos. There seems to be a small saddle of beautiful blue just after the fist bar continuing to just after the second coming down about 2cm “very fetching”lol

Also he killed of two of the younger 5-6cm Juvies that where in the tank, interestingly they where the ones who had deformities??????

My idea is to see how the female fertility rates go, from my girls and the young ones that he hopefully will produce.

Another thing I saw today that I found a treat is to see some Asian imports belonging to a mate, 6 bars yer OR MABY NOT one of the larger males stood out to me and on a second look he was a 7 bar, but with out the fading face marking that we associate with them, a tap on the glass reviled 6 bars down the other side ???? First time I have seen this

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