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what fish r these?


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Having never kept either fish, my first thoughts were Protomelas steveni "taiwan reef" and Aulonocara maulana "bicolour 500" (although the green in the face may point towards Aulonocara saulosi? Not sure if they have the yellow flank).

Try googling those for a positive ID. I would but I'm short on time.

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dont know obout it being a T reef, it does not have the white strip down the head, but i thought that to at first glance. may be a red empress.

the second could be a saulosi might need one more shot of its head to see if it has the funny head shape the is in-dik of them

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I reckon the first one is a Red Emp, i think the angle of the photo has made it show up a sort of gold colour, Way too much red in the tail for a Taiwan Reef, heres a pic of my taiwan's, photo cred to Arj:

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I reckon it looks more like a Red Emp just the photo hasnt exposed the red through the body...

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*edit* On second thoughts, and i hate to suggest it but you may have a mix of both, your fish seems to have the headshape and finage of a Red Emp but the white balze on your fish is NQR. dntknw.gif The anal fin looks alot like a taiwan too, if the body is really gold and not caused by a bad photo i reckon its a cross.

The second one looks like Aulonocara Maulana but its hard to say with any certainty...

Cheers Andy

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