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L. Callipterus


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Hey there Novafishy.

Yep, I picked them up of Sooty and they're in a 48x18x20. Initially they were very skitish (jumping badly!) but have slowly calmed down to the point that they 'swarm' when they see me coming with food.



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They certainly are beautiful fish Steve, well done.


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Thanks Nick.

G'day Mick, they're all around 5-6cm and Im still trying to work them out sex wise. Definate signs there of a mix but it will be easier to tell once the males grow a bit more. Bloody big for a shellie!!!



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Yep I think they are the biggest shelly sorta, well th emales get >12cm and not in shells but fems only get to about 5cm i think would love to hav a few of these guys in a display tank it would look sweet.

Do you have any shells in with them yet, that might help to sus out who the females are, although i thought that given the extreme sexual dimorphism in this species it would be easy to tell them apart even from a young age..

let me know when you get som efry.. raisehand.gif

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Not a problem Mick, i sure would like to swap some fry for some of your collection! I have finally managed to get some suitably large shells for them to use so they will hopefully give me some better indications in the next few weeks.

Sarah, yes they are on their own at the moment apart for some rainbow dithers. Ideally they would be in a 6x2x2 or larger as they are soooo busy.



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Guest parallel
Not a problem Mick, i sure would like to swap some fry for some of your collection! I have finally managed to get some suitably large shells for them to use so they will hopefully give me some better indications in the next few weeks.

Sarah, yes they are on their own at the moment apart for some rainbow dithers. Ideally they would be in a 6x2x2 or larger as they are soooo busy.



My question is a bit off topic, but can you tell me where you got those shells from?



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G'day Hilton. The shells you see in the photo are escargot and are too small for the Callipterus. I got them off a french gourmet shop on ebay (sounds weird, but it worked out cheap!).

I have just received some muffin snail shells from the US that are huge (well, 10cm - plenty big enough!) that i hope to have some success with. I got them through this website (posted with mod approval):


Great service, prompt delivery. If you want to order anything from them then send Don an email with what you want and he'll let you know the total cost including postage. I paid with PAYPAL.

Hope this helps


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Guest parallel
G'day Hilton. The shells you see in the photo are escargot and are too small for the Callipterus. I got them off a french gourmet shop on ebay (sounds weird, but it worked out cheap!).

I have just received some muffin snail shells from the US that are huge (well, 10cm - plenty big enough!) that i hope to have some success with. I got them through this website (posted with mod approval):


Great service, prompt delivery. If you want to order anything from them then send Don an email with what you want and he'll let you know the total cost including postage. I paid with PAYPAL.

Hope this helps


Thanks Steve, will give them a go.



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lol so what strikes your fancy..probably everything that isnt breeding yet!

But for shells i find all the home wares places, usually the ones with candles and stuff have a good selection of pretty sea shells for about $2 each. The future wife and I just got about $80 worth for the centerpiecs at the impending wedding, damm what WILL I do with them after that....lol

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