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A different type of before/after


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Reason for substrate change was the plants just didn't stand a chance in the long term & I'm not happy with fakes - without plants there was no contrast, it was just a dark boring tank (IMO)

What do ya reckon? Is sand a goer? It's river sand collected from a friend's property.

Also there is only a single 4' fluro in the "after" pics, the before there was a 130w CF as well

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I personally prefer 'before' just because it's dimmer not the color of the subtrate. It brings out more color of the fish.

'After' is too bright because of the lighting. I like a dimmed tank. IMO, it'll look better with less lighting.

Even my 8fter with 2.5ft high has only one 36watt tube. It's more than enough for my liking. But it's all personal preference.

BTW, that back ground is simply stunning!!! Which type is that?

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It's a Universal Rocks background, apparently I've installed it upside down? Here's a link to it on their website --> Click me

Regarding lighting, there is only a single 36w tube in there now - the 130W CF was installed when it was darker as illogical as that sounds, see how the right hand side is brighter? The difference shows how reflective the sand is compared to the grey gravel as there is 1/4 the light over the tank in the after shots! The "before" tank photographed better than it looked, trust me.

edit: Oh yeah, the tank had only been refilled about 3 hrs when I took those "after" pics, so there is some silt in the water column making everything look brighter as well.

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Guys guys! I made the change because the plants were being torn up. Without the plants it was all grey & too dark, so really I wasn't choosing between before with plants or after without - it was simply a substrate change as plants were not possible & without them there was no contrast.

I also haven't sorted out which pieces of wood get back into the tank.

Citypainter - both substrates were inert so there's been no change to pH or hardness.

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ya, same fish different name

I'll have to get some more updated pics of the tank now the fish have settled down & I've had more time to sort out decoration.

I guess I'm just sick of the dark substrate as I've looked at it daily for the last two years & you guys haven't, I used to love it too but in person it is too dark. blush.gif Also bear in mind the "before" shot is colour corrected so it looks brighter than in person, whereas the sand photographs were right straight off the camera.

The "before looks more natural" comments are confusing, I switched from crushed & size graded rock to natural river sand & rocks - it could only be more natural if I got it from Lake Nic huh.gif

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