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Good to see 'zebra' mbuna on the list LOL.gif

I might put one of these list forward... do they cost any money to do? I heard it was lots... maybe i was misinformed?

Mine would be something like this:

Pseudotropheus spp.

Metriaclima spp.

Peckoltia spp.

Hypancistrus spp.

Ancistrus spp.

Baryancistrus spp.

Panaque spp.

Xenotilapia spp.

Enantopus spp. (are these legal imports already??)

Geophagus spp.

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Me Again,


Unfortunatley the provision to apply for an entire genus is no longer availible, hence the need to apply for each species individually. Would love your input and to get you involved in the assesment processes. BTW what do we have to do to get SLS to sign up as PIAA members. Surely you are begining to see the advantages of an industry organisation. United we stand .... divided we fall....


Having read your post again I am still confused. I was elected to the Board of PIAA to do exactly what I am doing. Apply for more species as well as many many other things. True by amending the import list I advantage Auburn Aquariums however I also advantage every other retailer and wholesaler in Australia not to mention the hobbyists. I fail to see your point.

Anyway lets not lose focus. Who is up for volunteering to help formulate some cichlid species applications


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Im interested in helping out. In particular with a dwarf cichlid species but im happy to help out any where i can. If anyone wants to get a group together and needs help let me know.

My understanding of what Marcus wrote was to point out an aspect that he thought was perhaps overlooked. Im sure it wasnt meant as an attack of any sorts, more a concern that your efforts may be wasted if that aspect was a problem. But as you pointed out after wards you have already have that base covered. At least thats the way I read it.


ps. I find it very interesting of all the fish in the world that such a large percentage of fish we aim to add to our import list are loaches. Not that i have anything against them, you dont hear of many people who are loach specialists as opposed to catfish, livebearers, cichlids etc.

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Adam I cant see many dwarves being added any time soon as they would have a relatively low commercial appeal generally speaking. You and I both know how hot some of the dwarves are, however they're not USUALLY a joe public fish to keep.

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Adam I cant see many dwarves being added any time soon as they would have a relatively low commercial appeal generally speaking

Also isnt there already a blanket Apistogramma allowance on the allowable import?

Admittedly it would be nice to be able to go out and buy T candida or N parilus whenever you wanted but isnt ALL the apistos a pretty good selection of dwarfs for the time being

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For those asking about H.Zebs, l think you will find they are on the CITIES list

or about to be.

Even if they were not, supply would still keep the price high, possiblly not as high as it is currently ($650) but O/S prices have been rising for the last year or so

and will continue to do so.

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As Anthony said to make an application you need to apply for 10 fish. Having one spot taken up by a dwarf in my opinion isnt a big ask especially if I am prepared to put in the work for it.

And there are way more fish considered to be dwarfs than apistogramma (which do have a blanket statement, as do Pelvicachromis i believe). You can look at fish such as candidi as Kev said, Biotodoma, dwarf pikes, Nannochromis. Im not sure what the status is of many small shelldwelling tangs, or the gobie cichlids.

Id love to see some more catfish (easy to get on the market ones) and like Acanthicus adonis or the queen arabesce.

"apistos a pretty good selection of dwarfs for the time being" I could say the same about any of the African species, we have more established species of Mbunas or Peacocks than the apistos in Australia.

Either way Im happy to help out with whatever is needed. Just think how good it would feel to walk past a fish shop in 30 years time and see a fish that is only in there because of the hard work you and some friends did.


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As Anthony said to make an application you need to apply for 10 fish. Having one spot taken up by a dwarf in my opinion isnt a big ask especially if I am prepared to put in the work for it.

And there are way more fish considered to be dwarfs than apistogramma (which do have a blanket statement, as do Pelvicachromis i believe). You can look at fish such as candidi as Kev said, Biotodoma, dwarf pikes, Nannochromis. Im not sure what the status is of many small shelldwelling tangs, or the gobie cichlids.

Id love to see some more catfish (easy to get on the market ones) and like Acanthicus adonis or the queen arabesce.

"apistos a pretty good selection of dwarfs for the time being" I could say the same about any of the African species, we have more established species of Mbunas or Peacocks than the apistos in Australia.

Either way Im happy to help out with whatever is needed. Just think how good it would feel to walk past a fish shop in 30 years time and see a fish that is only in there because of the hard work you and some friends did.


I would be happier if I could walk past and see it in 2 years! thumbup.gif

But I agree with you, having another dwarf or two on the list would be fair. There are a lot of Africans already. Seems like some of the people out there have become cichlid snobs!

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Auburn Aquarium are currently preparing to submit 10 species also.

This 10 species will be more controversial and take longer to asses.

It is to include Peckoltia sp , Hypancistrus sp. Distochodus sp. Scleropages formosus, Synodontis angelicus plus some other wierd and wonderfulls I am still finalising.

Unfortunatley the provision to apply for an entire genus is no longer availible, hence the need to apply for each species individually.

Just wondering how this works? I'm a bit confused on how you can put forward Peckoltia sp. but no blanket coverage for genus is available dntknw.gif Or does it mean you can only import undescribed sp. and nothing with a full species name? blink.gif

ps. Big ups to Anthony and everyone involved in the putting together of these lists.

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I have not finalised exactley what species I will be applying for, hence the sp. As Nigel has allready mentioned overseas availibilty should play a big role in deciding the exact species at the end of the day. As to not overwhelme DEH, the Auburn Aq 10 species will not be finalised or submitted until early in the new year.

Hope this clears up any confusion


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I'm pretty happy that they have listed a few rainbowfish.

I would like to see the Golden Nugget Pleco Baryancistrus sp. (L018) added. Who else is willing to join me in campaigning for them?

Yes! I would love to see L018 on the list, but they've rejected H. Zebra before. I would assume there isn't much difference between the two in terms of projected ecological impact.

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I'm pretty happy that they have listed a few rainbowfish.

I would like to see the Golden Nugget Pleco Baryancistrus sp. (L018) added. Who else is willing to join me in campaigning for them?

Yes! I would love to see L018 on the list, but they've rejected H. Zebra before. I would assume there isn't much difference between the two in terms of projected ecological impact.

The Golden Nugget's feeding habit is almost identical to the Sailfins and Pleco that we currently keep. In fact its also fairly similar to the L168's as well.

I'm not sure that its under threat in the wild to the extent that the L046 is. Anyone have info on this?

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I think the problem u will have with the gold nuggets (L18, L81, L177) is that they are scientifically undescribed species... hence their name is only Baryancistrus sp "Gold Nugget". I don't think that's acceptable (yet).

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Nice looking common pleco on the market..... G.gibbiceps. If they were importable, 3" fish would be available all year round for under $10ea possibly under $5. Trouble is u'll get a lot of resistance for the importation of these. The pleco breeders up north would be up in arms. Not many plecos are comercially bred.

Adam, true that T.candidi are hard to find. None of the Apistogramma/dwarf cichlids are easy to find as such. Probably only A.cacatuoides and A.agassizi are bred large scale commercially.

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Here is a little bit of information about L number catfish. I understand from AQIS that because of all the L104s that came in they have asked DEH to either stop the importation or allow all L number catfish. So it will be interesting to see what happens there.

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Wow allow all L numbers we can only hope! smile.gif

gibbiceps and joselimaianus over in Asia seem to be fairly common, and cost about $1 retail each there... but yeah when the pleco breeders here can corner the market on these it might be a bit bad for them...

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I understand from AQIS that because of all the L104s that came in they have asked DEH to either stop the importation or allow all L number catfish.

All L numbers, holey schmoley! Surely that wouldnt cut it with governing bodies (not that I'm complaining)

Where do those species that have both an L# and a scientific description fit in?

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