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Fish Prices


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Just looking at some of the $$$$$ asked for single catfish, and I've got to wonder why or how they recieve the demand to justify paying $500 plus for a single fish (not even a breeding pair, so there goes the investment theory) dont get me wrong I'm not really criticising, just curious (I feel the same about the high price of some herps these days too) Any reasons? confused.gif

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Supply and demand for sure. Also catfish have other things:

- interesting to look at

- some very exotic patterns (take the zebra or the gibby, both have fantastic patterns)

- very hardy so there is much less risk of killing one that most cichlids IMHO (others may differ but I've never had one die), like a herp

- last a long time - 20 years+ is not unheard of (liike herps)

- they have a unique character (the larger ones are very different to bristlenose)

- there are so many to choose from and many are very different

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in north america they can buy Silver Arowana for US$15 because it is easy to obtain from south america,whereas here we have to pay a minimum of hundreds because its hard to get!

just like in singapore, the catfish that are worth $500+ here is worths double digits only there because it is easily available.

If the custom allow all catfish to come in,im sure we will all be having atleast a few in every single tank!

btw, im just wondering if Queensland is not a state of australia but instead is another country, would catfish be allowed to be imported into Australia? Since it wont be able to survive in winter,therefore it wont be able to destroy the vegetation in NSW right? is it because custom are afraid the catfish will travel up to the tropical weather of queensland and destroy the river system up there? dntknw.gif

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btw, im just wondering if Queensland is not a state of australia but instead is another country, would catfish be allowed to be imported into Australia? Since it wont be able to survive in winter,therefore it wont be able to destroy the vegetation in NSW right? is it because custom are afraid the catfish will travel up to the tropical weather of queensland and destroy the river system up there?

Firstly mate try to think before you post.

I am sure that this forum, like all others is monitored in one way or another by AQIS and alike. Posting them sort of comments may also land ACE in trouble, If your reply remains, as the forum may be seen as surpporting an illegal practice.

Well said Josh! Post has been removed for this very reason dry.gif

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Northern NSW is pretty warm.....
not really im up in byron and during winter the temps get around 0-5. No pleco or gibby could withstand that.
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ethanol is bad for car and the government is supporting the additive of 5 or 10% to petrol, does that mean they are supporting illegal practice?

well, i was thinking casually when i wrote what i said, im sure it wouldnt bother the AQIS too much. I reckon if i mentioned when and how a particular person is bringing in shipment of illegal catfish im sure the custom would be interested.

Hey come on, wheres the aussie spirit eh?Innocent until proven guilty.

but after saying this,i admit im wrong. hug.gifhug.gif

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ethanol is bad for car and the government is supporting the additive of 5 or 10% to petrol, does that mean they are supporting illegal practice?

It's isnt illegal to add ethanol to fuel. Its illegal to say it hasnt got it when it does. rolleyes.gif

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PLenty of studies have shown that 10% ethanol is no worse for your car than straight petrol. In fact other crap like dirty fuel (dirt and the like), water and other non conbustible materials do more damage than either petrol or ethanol. The problems ppl had with ethanol stem from the fact dodgy service stations were putting it up to 30-50% ethanol.

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ethanol is bad for car and the government is supporting the additive of 5 or 10% to petrol, does that mean they are supporting illegal practice?

It's isnt illegal to add ethanol to fuel. Its illegal to say it hasnt got it when it does. rolleyes.gif

its a principal thing, even though it isnt illegal to add ethanol, u shouldnt add in 30-50% . Wui39 is spot on with dodgy service station.

again principal is the thing, we shouldnt think like robots for a particular situation. If mistakes are done, corrections made, mistakes learnt. No need to carry on. rolleyes.gif

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I dont get what you are saying

You said

ethanol is bad for car and the government is supporting the additive of 5 or 10% to petrol, does that mean they are supporting illegal practice?

Then say

its a principal thing, even though it isnt illegal to add ethanol, u shouldnt add in 30-50%


So which is it? Make your mind up and then your argument might make a little sence.


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I was at Riverside on the weekend and I was amazed at some of the catfish there. I'm not usually looking for for catfish but after seeing a snowball pleco they had I'm now wishing I had some money to play with to start a future addiction. I'm sure my wife will be all for it LOL.gif

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I dont get what you are saying

You said

ethanol is bad for car and the government is supporting the additive of 5 or 10% to petrol, does that mean they are supporting illegal practice?

Then say

its a principal thing, even though it isnt illegal to add ethanol, u shouldnt add in 30-50%


So which is it? Make your mind up and then your argument might make a little sence.


sense. i dont understand where you are coming from.what argument is it you want? confused.gif

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I dont get what you are saying

You said

ethanol is bad for car and the government is supporting the additive of 5 or 10% to petrol, does that mean they are supporting illegal practice?

Then say

its a principal thing, even though it isnt illegal to add ethanol, u shouldnt add in 30-50%

So which is it? Make your mind up and then your argument might make a little sence.

There's nothing illegal about adding ethanol to petrol as long as the customers are informed. Having said that, only 5-10% ethanol mixture is recommended. I think this is what 10050460 is trying to say?

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He is asking if the government is surrporting an ilegal practice by trying to add 5-10% ethanol to petrol

But then states that it's not illegal to add ethanol.

It was his comment/question. Put the coment and question together and it doesnt make sence

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There's nothing illegal about adding ethanol to petrol as long as the customers are informed. Having said that, only 5-10% ethanol mixture is recommended. I think this is what 10050460 is trying to say?

thank you for understanding.

if i was misunderstood by others, there is your answer.

now dont need to carry on. zipit.gif

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Lucky it's nice weather for a holiday.

Because a few people will be having a holiday from the forum if they keep going laugh.gif

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