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HOw long to leave vege's in?


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I've got a 4ft tank with a pair of BN and about 100 fry. I find that zuchinni will last as long as it takes them to eat it, usually 2-3 days. I don't feed pumkin because It breaks down and clouds the water much faster. I've also found that my BN seem to do better in water that is a little "murky", particularly newly hatched fry.


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Yep, I very rarely take anything out. But I would if there were bits left at about 48 hours.

I find the vege's break down quicker if they are cooked (even slightly) so I weigh them down with a fork and don't cook them.

Unlike Brett I do feed pumpkin, I don't have any problems with it clouding, but I only feed enough that if I put it in now, it will be gone when I go to the tank in the morning. With zucchinni/cucumber etc, I am a bit more generous and just dump plenty in. thumb.gif

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I feed pumpkin as well as zuchini, and most of the frozen veg in the wifes freezer as well. Mine seem to particularely like cauliflower and broccoli

With the pumpkin i nuke it just a bit to take the hardness off it. When i chuck it in the tank it sinks, then in a day or so it floats back up and thats when i remove it, its also very soft by then so i scoop it gently.

I leave most things in for a few days unless they float up or become messy


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I find things like pumpkin go fuzzy in a day or 2, while lettuce I can leave there for up to a week!

My bristlies will graze on a lettuce leaf for ages without if fouling the water.

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all of the above mentioned foods are good. work out how much they eat in a day, then just feed that amount. something different each day will cover most vitamins abd minerals. as a once a week treat, something meaty like a piece of fish or brine shrimp pellets will go well


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My bristlenoses get lettuce once a week it usually lasts about 24 hours before it is just the veins left within 48 hours it is pretty much gone. they also get zuchinni and it will be decimated in a day, just the skin left wich i take out maybe once a week if still left. they also get some flake which i release under the water so it sinks, they love this.

I never blanch or cook anything as it goes to mush very quickly, and considering these guys graze on logs! i dont think it will be too tough for them.

Oh buit temperature will greatly inflence th erate at s=which the vegies break down, at 30+ deg your zuchinni will break down and cloud the water in about 4-6 hours, i keep my guys at 24-27 no dramas

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