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Where to get cheap driftwood


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as far as i know it is illegal to take wood from anywhere that is not private property... and even then you must have the owners permission.

it is illegal to take 'driftwood' from anywhere... angry.gif

i could be wrong... but that was the way it was described to me..... dry.gif

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Fozz I got heaps of wood mate. PM me if you want to come around and get some. I am in Albion Park Rail.

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well i didn't know that it is illegal. But take driftwood from the river and ocean is actually doing the right thing most of the time because all it is doing is clogging up the rivers.


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But take driftwood from the river and ocean is actually doing the right thing most of the time because all it is doing is clogging up the rivers.

I know a few Bass that would disagree with that assertation wink2.gif

Get on your treadly and ride to Kanahooka Point or if your are more energetic, to Tallawarra and check for wood washed up on the rocks, just dont raid the habitat at Mullet or Duck Creeks.

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ok sorry about that guys i didn't even know about the law. Yea i get both wood from the rocks and from the river but i won't get it from the river anymore.

thanks for letting me know.

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