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First lot of fry with a second lot of Fry


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I got a johanii due to spit this Thursday. However, due to my limited tanks, :-( I was wondering if it was ok to put them with their older siblings who are now aroudn 2 -3 cms long. The tank they are in is a small 2 footer me thinks.

I would leave them in the fry net in the big tank, but I am worried they might get sucked through the mesh

Anyone does this before?

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I have done it just recently and mine were all fine. Mbuna fry they were.

If you have fly screen on your fry saver I wouldnt worry about them getting sucked through.

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Make a fry saver with some foam glued to an ice cream container. Cut windows in to the ice cream container and put some fly screen on it.

Instant fry saver and all fish live happily together.

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The best fry haver i have ever used is one of those large plastic tanks from a cheap shop all you need to do is put a rock in the bottom and put some stockings over the lid, Then place it in your tank clap.gif

alot better then the ice cream fry savers IMO



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teflon - what do you mean? I am picturing a tupperware type dish covered in stocking sitting on the bottom of the tank? How'd you feed the fry mate?

I agree make a fry keeper like the DIY section on sydneycichlid.com - use a 3-4 litre tub and you should be able to grow them out to 2cm easily and quickly and can then add them to the larger fry.

Having them in a tub makes it easier for them to find food, and they expend less energy so they grow faster smile.gif

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Thanks for that guys. I tried to make a fry saver. I suck at it. it ended up being lopsided!

I might get some fly screen and put it all over my existing fry saver that i have in the large tank and hope that will do the job.

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The best fry haver i have ever used is one of those large plastic tanks from a cheap shop all you need to do is put a rock in the bottom and put some stockings over the lid, Then place it in your tank clap.gif

alot better then the ice cream fry savers IMO



dntknw.gif the strangest advice i have ever read dntknw.gif

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I'm intrigued as well confused.giflaugh.gif

If I'm picturing it right, there would be little to zero water movement through the saver, waste would just build up in it and it would be very hard to feed the fry.

Please explain? (pics would be better).

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I have a few of those SCP-style fry savers. You can make them from containers of varying sizes. I have some ice cream container sized and some larger. They are effective and very handy.

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