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Problem - Water is still Green


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Hey guys I am having difficulties getting my water clear. The tank has been slightly green for about a month almost 2 months . It went clear for a while in this period with the use of purigen and covering the tank completely to block out the light. However it just comes back, It is really starting to wee wEE me off as I believe that i have tried almost everything but nothing prevails. Can someone help me out!! angry.gifangry.gifangry.gif

Thanks in Advance

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I feed my Eartheaters - Tetra Colorbits twice a day

I used to put the light on from 10am - 1pm then turn it back on 3pm til 10pm the light is 2 x 36 watt (one is a Sylvania Gro-lux and the other is a Degen Pai Br - HG globes) There is no sunlight directly on the tank because I keep the blinds closed. As I only put the tank lights on when I feed them or/and check up on the fish. I do weekly water changes and clean out the filter (aqua One CF-1200) using my tank water every month or so. My tank is a 4ft x 18 x18 it is little crowded but they are only juveniles ranging from 6cm min - 15cm max (20 fish in total) but most are about 8/9cm. My fish are healthy and thriving. My only problem is the colour of the water. dntknw.gif

The only thing I recall doing differently is that I have used a different Active carbon brand in my filter. Which may well be it.

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Stop feeding colour bits for a couple of months. They are VERY high in phosphahtes. My third eye tells me this will be the direct cause of your problem yes.gif . I'll bet you a twenty they are in the middle to upper range tongue.gif

Do this and increase your water change frequency, to get the levels down quickly. If you dont already get some fast growing plants to help compete with the algae. The geo's shouldnt bother plants.

There are also products on the market which absorb phosphates. Purigen is one.

Please, let us know how you go. I feel sure you will see a dramatic improvement if you can cut the phosphates from the system.

Good Luck,


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is the water actually green or is it the glass covered in algea...????

if it is the water and you find the colour bits are the prob , cut back feeding to once or twice a week of the colour bits and flake or other pellets for the rest of the feeds.

also the lighting you have is just encouraging it to grow, it wont look as good but try a normal day light fluro for a while and see the diff.

now to know what fixes the prob do one thing at a time and then you will know what is the cause.

if it is on the glass drop in a few BN they will clean it up in no time.


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My water was so bad (green) I could not see the back of the tank. I could not see any fish. I keep changing water, but a few days later it gets just as bad as before.

No lights and light feedings did not help..... sound familiar??

I tried a product that contains "Diuron", did not help. Just made the water murky.

There is another product with a different chemical, but I didn't bother trying it.

I read some very positive comments on the net about Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Algaefix. This was the only product that worked for me for "pea-soup" algae.

This is how I fixed it.

*please note: all my change water is pre-aged and heated.

Day 1) 50% water change - clarity still milky as expected.

Day 2) 50% water change - clarity still milky as expected.

Day 3) 50% water change + 1 dose of AlgaeFix.

6 HRS LATER...... CRYSTAL CLEAR. This stuff is magic smile.gif

I do not advocate the use of chemicals, but if you're desperate (like I was), then use it to get rid of the problem. Then discontiune use and fix the real source of the problem.


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The same thing happened to me and it believe it was due to high phosphates I added planted cleaned the substrate with one of those syphons did 30% water ever 3-4 days for 2 weeks and it cleared up. But it may not work as it happened in another tank tried the same process but it did not help.



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As previously mentioned, Phosphates are the problem.

check on the back of your food for the quantities of phosphates, and select a lower phosphate food next time.

If you can't do that you may just have to increase the frequency of you water changes. maybe do a 10% water change a couple of times a week. Make sure you check which days that they increase the chlorine in the water supply though, as you will find with the water shortages they are putting more chlorine in the water supplies on busier water usage days.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had a similar problem except my water was a milky white colour. I put a big bag of Purigen into the tank. Worked for a week beautifully then went back to milky, cloudy colour.

I know my phosphate levels are high. I cant seem to get it down. I feed Hikari gold and Nutrafin spirulina as well as frozen foods ie,prawn,fish,brine shrimp etc. I went out and got a UV Steriliser.......instant clear water thumb.gif

I heard that high levels of phosphates are not harmful to fish but can can growth defects in young fish. Is this true? dntknw.gif

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The only thing I recall doing differently is that I have used a different Active carbon brand in my filter. Which may well be it.

is it a cheap carbon? these products can be very high in phosphates. and if left in use too long, they can become exhausted and dump all the absorbed rubbish back into the tank. i would also look very closely at the restaraunt style fare that your fish seem to enjoy

hope you solve the deliema

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I dont think Purigen will bind a lot of phosphate, its best for organics.

Green-X from Hagen is in a pouch like Purigen but is specifically for binding phosphates / nitrates / nitrites which are probably your problem.

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