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More pics of the Moops


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Actually Jamie you wont believe this but the 2nd pic didnt appear until after my reply, maybe its due to the fact im on dialup but i only saw 2 pics at first, lol but yeah it is rather cute closeup

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Glad ya like 'em Jebe. None of these guys have held to term yet and when they do I plan on keeping the fry to expand the colony. There will come a time though when I have enough and will need to part with some fry. If you are still interested when that time comes (who knows when that will be) we'll have to work something out if you are that into 'em. They are cute aren't they.


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Yeah mate they did. Mine are still only littlies, they are about 14 months old. Jim's are wild caughts and he's had 'em for about 5 years. He got them as adults too. Ya should see 'em, they are absolutely awesome. Brighter in colour than mine and about twice the size. Jim's fish are amazing. If you're ever around his neck of the woods you must give him a bell. He's a top bloke too.

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yep i was bugging him about them not to long ago LOL.gif

great fish my mate has got some twice and lost the lot $1800 gone angry.gif poor bugger

my turn now fingers crossed blush.gif

not for a while though i have a bub coming wub.gif

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Great Moops Jamie! They look almost fully grown! It is hard to tell from the pics but i would say they were nearly as big as Jims. But i have noticed the MOOPs don't grow as big as the Ilangi and Ikolas. Also i think your MOOPs are as beautiful as Jims r so stop underselling your fish mate!

I have to get some tips of taking pics from u! I love the last shot. What camera did u get? U already have customers lining up to get your fry! I will let u know how to send fish interstate if Jebe still wants some in the future!

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Thanks for the comments guys, they have put on a bit of a growth spurt since using NLS. They do look bigger in the photos than real life though. I have 2 females holding at the moment so here's hoping one holds to term. This makes it 17 females that have held so far, shouldn't be too long before one goes the distance.

Dave- We have a Sony Cybershot 5.1 mega pixel. I had to fiddle with the shutter speed to get the little guys in focus. In auto mode they were just coming out blurry. Hopefully I can keep mucking around with it and get some good ones. It's good fun mucking around with the camera.

Josh- Can't wait to see some pics of the new arrivals.

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