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todays piccy

MikeWs Fish

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I actually turned them away at first but traded some more common fry in (lots of them) and got a really good price on them considering there is only a handfull in the country. They need a bit of growing and I have one girl that is critically thin in a fry saver. Luckily she is eating. I let her out to play with her mates for a while every day - to stop her going insane. As soon as she starts struggling i pop her back in the fry saver.

I have a good feeling she will pull through but she wont breed for a very long time. blush.gif

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Yea the females go orangey yellow even a little greyish/blue tinge can be seen. Females can also have the odd black blotch on them ( I wouldnt say OB though).

Males look like a mixture of a polit and a kingsizei 'likoma' male. They are grey with black bars. they have a black inner crest on their fins and a white outter crest also.

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they are not msobo heteropictus, they are just Ps. heteropictus, part of the kingsizei group. take a look at your mal cich 3 and you can see em on the same page as the kingsizei

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There is ps msobo heteropictus and ps heteropictus. I'm leaning towards msobo heterpictus 'Lundo' because that what I got quoted by someone else, at the same time as the ones that I have came in I think they may ahve been labelled incorrectly at the place where i got them from. The only chance that I am wrong is if both fish came in at exactly the same time and I actually have ps heteropictus. I highly doubt it though.

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I think the main difference between this msobo and the 'magangua' variety is that the male has clear barring and no black and blue blotches.

And the female magunga are a thousand times better looking wink2.gif

Nice fish though. Look forward to seeing a male in breeding dress.

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kinda figured that, i had the same problem when i first searched them up. looked at everything i could when i saw Norm advertise them in the trading post about a month ago.

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