azonf Posted May 5, 2005 Share Posted May 5, 2005 Just wondering what i can mix with tropheus. I've read they can go with pseudotropheus species. Also read they cross so keep 1 species per tank but other reports say can mix if large enough numbers. I have 8 ikola and 8 moliro, looking at getting duboisi and double blots. Any advice on this, tank size etc will be appreciated Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bucky Posted May 5, 2005 Share Posted May 5, 2005 dont put more than one species of tropheus per tank as yes they will cross. try using dithers or something or even more of the same species as the more the better Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TropheusQueen Posted May 5, 2005 Share Posted May 5, 2005 If you are after a display tank by all means put them all together and then keep your fingers crossed that they all get on . You have mentioned some relatively peaceful variants and some terrors. If you wish to mix with other fish then consider ones with similar diets. If you wish to breed them, species only tank PLEASE. Colony of at least 12-15 fish, tank at least 4' with enough cover to hide in @ 26 degrees and pH of 8-9, heaps of filtration and decent weekly water changes with aged water. There have been quite a few threads on Tropheus lately so source them out and read them all. If you don't have the energy or the time to do this, then consider a less expensive species . Cheers Aline Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Josh Posted May 6, 2005 Share Posted May 6, 2005 Another problem you can have is that a species may become dominate over the other species and then only one will show good colorings. I would say stick with one colony per tank Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azonf Posted May 6, 2005 Author Share Posted May 6, 2005 One species per 4fter sounds good. Would i be able to put lombardoi or demasoni or something similiar in with them. I was thinking 8 tropheus per tank and then boost numbers in tank with pseudotropheus species. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Josh Posted May 6, 2005 Share Posted May 6, 2005 I would leave out all others and just keep tropheus.....but get another 4-6 of each Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MoliroMan Posted May 6, 2005 Share Posted May 6, 2005 I agree with all the comments! When i started keeping Tropheus i was so tempted to add all different variants together because i liked the look of a lot of different types but when they grow to breeding size they will undoubtedly cross. I have a good example of a Tropheus Moorii Ilangi crossing with Tropheus Moorii Lupota. I had no spare tank to keep them so ended up giving them away to some kind responsible soul who can't be named . But u have to remember if u r seriously into keeping Tropheus (and all fish for that matter) u have a responsibility to keep the species pure. If u intend to sell your fry then u must ensure that what u r selling is in fact not a crossbreed. If u have a large tank ie. at least 6 foot then u might get away with 2 variants for eg. a black species tropheus + a moorii species. Or u could keep a moorii species with a duboisi sp. But with experience and talking to others one variant will undoubtedly dominant and look better than the other so unless u really want to keep 2 i suggest u just pick one variant that u like the most. Or 2 tanks of your favourite 2 variants. In terms of other dither fish or fish u can mix with tropheus, here is a list of some i have tried that work: - Leptosomas species. - Goby cichlids. - Catfish - bristlenose, multipunctatis, golden suckers, plecos, gibbiceps... - Ocellatus. - Julidochromis. Remember, diet incompatibilities might be a problem with ocellatus and julidochromis since they prefer high protein diet. I have never kept tropheus with mbunas but would not recommend it. If u like pseudotropheus keep a tank dedicated only to them. I don't suggest u mixing them with tropheus. There may be aggression issues. This is only my advice, i have seen a display tank in a LFS with mbunas, malawi cichlids and tropheus (male only) in a 6 by 2 by 2 with no real problems. But u need to ask yourself what do u want to keep tropheus for, is it only for display or for breeding purposes? HTH Dave Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azonf Posted May 6, 2005 Author Share Posted May 6, 2005 Thanks everyone. I only have the 2 species so far, Ikola and moliro. I gathered the tropheus would be the most aggresive so i thought ikola and lombardoi (Lombardoi being aggresive also) may work. Thought maybe someone else may have done it. I thought keeping more than 1 sp. of tropheus per tank may be pushing it. Bummer about the pseudo though. Thanks everyone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Citypainter Posted May 6, 2005 Share Posted May 6, 2005 You could maybe try some clown loaches. Although I have beeen told that you run the risk of them eating your fry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colfish Posted May 6, 2005 Share Posted May 6, 2005 azonf please read back through the replys to your question.!! tropheus are only aggresive within their species, not to other fish. the only other fish with trophs [if you must] would be mild mannered tangs. anything else would be dangerous for the trophs and certain heartache for you please be carefull cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jebe Posted May 7, 2005 Share Posted May 7, 2005 NLS diet will allow you to have more of a variety in your tank. I have successfully kept Cyprichromis, Julidochromis, Neolamprologus, Ophthalmotilapia ventralis and catfish species with out mishap If you are new to tropheus then I would stick to one fish species per tank until you become familiar with there dummy spits etc have fun They are more challenging to keep which I think adds to there charm And you get a great sense of achievement when you get your first pitter patter of tiny fins Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azonf Posted May 8, 2005 Author Share Posted May 8, 2005 Sorry, i did miss the point. Get it now. Thanks everyone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eddie Salita Posted May 8, 2005 Share Posted May 8, 2005 I've often thought that Variabilichromis moorii would be a good tankmate for Trofius. Although I havent tried it myself. They do well on vego diet and would hold their own quite nicely you'd think. A good distraction for the boisterous Trofius maybe? hope this helps Cheers, Jason Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trofius Posted May 11, 2005 Share Posted May 11, 2005 good tanks mates i have found are cyprichromis , and any sand sifter. I have seen/read that if you are intent on keeping several different tropheus together they have to be different types that is: a red, or black or brichardi, duboisi, annectans, that way , if they are in sufficient numbers of each they wont cross breed, just what i have read anyways.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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