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How To Set Up A Breeding Tank


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i currently have a 4ft tank , and i want to set it up so my cichlids have somewere to breed , i have to pots in there but i was told caves are better , and crushed coral is better then gravel , what should i do ? i currently have 1 male johanni in it 4 acei and a electric yellow (f) and blue (m) is there any suggestions ? ? ? if so please tell .

The Saint Dragon ............................. clap.gif

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I'm assuming you want your acei to breed. As DWD said, get your self some terracotta pots, and also have some areas of flat rock. I think if you wanted your acei to breed i'd remove the male johanni as they can become quite dominant. Without any females he could spawn with a different species. Particularly the e-yellow female, considering the johanni females are yellow.


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Hello .

Thts great info , but its not my aceis i want to breed , i might be upgrading to a 4 by 2 by 2ft , so i was thinkin of gettin someting for my e yellow and mabye the aceis as the aceis r all male , And about the hole drillin , did u mean drill the holes in the teracotta pots ? , me and my cousin can get some great rocks we find in a creak , they go from flat to ruff as , so how many would u suggest puttin in the tank , like make it like as rocky as the lake they come from or just pots and stuff ,

and i was wonderin wat is betta shell grit or crushed coral , beacuse a friend said a substrate of gravel is really good ???? anyone no anything ???

Thanks Saint Dragon

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i was wonderin wat is betta

try to proof read your posts and try out the spell checker. I would love to reply, but I cant understand what you are saying

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Cichlids do recognise their own species, but when confronted with a situation where they have no females they resort to the next best thing in their desperation to reproduce.


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Cichlids do recognise their own species, but when confronted with a situation where they have no females they resort to the next best thing in their desperation to reproduce.


Kind of like a trans-gender LOL.gif

Sorry but i couldn't help myself zipit.gif

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hahaha. YEA fish could be classed as transgender. The thing is some ciclids are just horney and they will have a go at anything if its on. tongue.gif

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