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Some of my new guys..just off the plane......couldn't wait to share so forgive the crappy shots :lol3: I know I know all my shots are not up to Budi's standards YET :)

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Nice fish Aline!

I've never kept tropheus but seeing your pics and obvious passion for them is helping me to reconsider them smile.gif

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G'day Baz

These fish may not be for you confused.gif

You actually have to do regular weekly water changes! yes.gif

But they are pretty and very active. As opposed to the big striped things you used to have! (I had them as well, once upon a time blink.gif )

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Thanks guys.

Baz, please ignore Matthew's comments dry.gif

Josh, 32 in the adult breeding colony and 12 fry thumb.gif

Still love my Chipimbi and KII's the best wub.gif these will need some time.


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very nice Aline , congrats on the new additions

ps i lost all my demasoni except 2 , all due to aggression i think hard to say as they dropped like flies in the space of one week just gone by

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Great shots Aline! They look very nice indeed. Any idea about the sex ratio? They look pretty well coloured up already! Were the 12 fry included in the deal?

That bristlenose looks very nervous indeed. I don't think he/she wants anyone to takes his little home!

Is the bad boy in another tank? How many do u have with him?

Wish u all the luck and may the Tropheus gods be kind to u and bless u with many more bubs!


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Hi Dave,

11 fry in the deal - 1 single bub belongs to King Bulu, who managed to court as well as to cause damage in his daily routine LOL.gif

I have 12 including him, doing well - finally some peace of sorts - and twenty in another colony tank. The fry are also seperately placed and feeding well.

Relative peace in Tropheus land atm.



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Hey hey,

There may be more just can't see them for the rocks LOL.gif

Yes, Sharon was great to deal with. I saw the post, made the phone call, she answered all my questions with patience, shipment arrived with fish perfectly safe and well. The colony was young enough and came from the lines I needed smile.gif .

In my experience you have to jump quickly and bite the bullet when it comes to these beauties........and keep your fingers crossed that the quality is there. In the case of these guys there are no worries, a few weeks of TLC in my tanks and watch out for pics.



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Hi Aline, congrats - they're great looking fish clap.gif

These fish may not be for you confused.gif

You actually have to do regular weekly water changes! yes.gif

Quick question regarding that statement - It's an obvious dig at Baz and his water change routine, smile.gif but I was just curious - what water change routine would you consider appropriate for tropheus (I'd like to geth into them at some point...)

Cheers raisehand.gif


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Yes it's a dig at me, and I am used to it.

My water changing routine is somewhat relaxed compared to some. I change water once every week or 6 shock.gif depending on work/family/forum commitments.

Some people find it hard to understand that we cannot all give up one full day a week to change water tongue.gif

Richard from what i understand tropheus are a little more picky than the hardy Malawi-types I keep, and they like to have frequent and regular water changes. Weekly seems normal with them.

Aline can you confirm/correct this info please?

And can you please try and keep Matty on a shorter leash? LOL.gif

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I believe that most people have trouble with Tropheus primarily because of water quality and then secondary feeding and aggression issues.

Lake Tang is renowned for it's water quality and the only way I have found to do that well is by weekly 30-50% water changes using aged water (I do not warm the barrel) - dependant on how stocked the tank is and what filtration I am using. I have both reef and side drop filtration and also use a de-nitrating coil on my sump to ensure the last traces of nitrates are removed. I have used this routine for four years and throughout two very major moves with no losses.

Tropheus are quite hardy in my opinion and tolerate most things but water neglect is not one of them dry.gif .

LOL.gif I feel that my life is becoming work and water change driven but the fish are happy LOL.gif

Baz.....the leash got so short it is now non existent... blush.gif


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Great looking tropheus you've got there. I never kept tropheus until I saw Sharon post. I took the plunge ended up with the colony of chipimbi. Yeah Sharon was great to deal with. Fish arrived healthy and she was happy enough to give me all the info I needed.

Cheers Ziggy thumbup.gif

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Hi Ziggy,

I think you mean Sharon dntknw.gif Chipimbi were my first colony and i have had them for 5 years now smile.gif . My colony of 12 became 60 and i love them to bits wub.gif

Dave, de-nitrating coil from my perspective (I am inept when it comes to explaining filtration....the whole physics thing uuuuggghhhh dry.gif ).

I have 40-50 metres of coiled 4mm airline tubing attached to my sump. An ordinary flow valve has the water running through at 1-2drops per second. The environment in the tubing becomes anerobic about half way in and any remaining nitrates are transformed to nitrogen (harmless to the fish et al.) by the bacteria that live in this oxygen free environment. Make sure the return goes into the intake of your filter not directly into the tank! (Due to the possibility of by products such as nitric acid forming. A trickle filter will remove nasties like these smile.gif .

Hope this makes sense.



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Cool thumbup.gif

Thanks for the reply (for some reason it didn't e-mail me so I just went searching for the post)...

That being the case (weekly changes) tropheus are not out of my reach - I stress out when I'm bordering on fortnightly changes (when things get busy - as is the case now...)



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