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OT look what i caught today.


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I was down the little creek today fishin with my brother when i caught this. We also spotted alot more that were alot larger than this one this one was only about 15cm. Benno

Here it is

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Yeah my first thoughts were that it was a Koi what does everyone else think. Also its no wonder we arent allowed to import any decent fish. Benno

The waterway is called the South Para River

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Yeah it was just the colour that pointed in the direction of koi for me. Oh well i chucked it in my pond at home so it is out of our waterways, becuase i know for a fact that there was a survey carried out on this part of the river. And they found a few natives still in there like gudgeons and galaxis etc and it wouldbe a shame to see them go. Benno

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It just looks like a goldfish to me, whatever they are there's plenty of them around.

My Brother calls them "Golden Carp" but i am not sure of what exactly they are, he tells me he's caught them up to around 5lb. Could be just goldies, or could be hybrids.

I catch them, although wild brown coloured ones, all the time whilst carp fishing.

My Dad and i have probably caught 8 or more coloured ones between us in Peau's Lagoon(sp?) in Richmond, from varying bronzish shades to full on petshop-orange ones.

My Mum and my Brother have both also caught true Koi, but i haven't yet.

The fish pictured is definitely not a Koi (pure, anyway), wrong shape, both body and head.

Have you got a larger pic you could link to ?


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if it was me benno, i wouldnt be admitting i moved a noxious fish from a waterway to your home pond. its illegal to do that matey. they have to be killed then disposed of away from the waterway if you pull them in......

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Gav has a point there Benno - what you probably meant was that you picked up some of those big goldfish at your local petshop, or your mate gave you some spare ones from his pond out the back.


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I don't think we need another debate in this thread do we? Maybe someone should just edit their post to remove any risk of a departmental body, or other likeminded person taking their actions as anything more than a touch of ignorance to the law.

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Gav and Tam no hard feelings, But last time i checked goldfish were not illegal were they??????????????. I still see hundreds of them in pet shops everytime i go in there. So by my calculations i do not belive i am doing anything illegal, unless goldfish are illegal in NSW which im pretty sure they are not (if someone can enlighten me)and i also live in Adelaide. I put this post up to see if someone could tell me if it is a carp goldie x. And another thing what possible harm could this fish do living in a small backyard pond with a few other goldfish and a turtle. I dont mean to stir the pot but i wasnt exactly looking for replies like that. And i belive that what i did was nothing like using convicts as live bait whilst fishing i didnt chuck the fish back into the river i was fishing in did i ???????????. Benno

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I think both sides of the situation have been put forward without too much hassle so im going to lock the thread now.

I'll leave it here for re-reading but posting to it wont be allowed.

If any other mods or admins disagree with my decision feel free to change it. I wont be upset about being moderated myself.

Cheers, Alan.

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