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blue eyed plecs


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If any are here they are "unpriceable". The species was wiped out at the type-locality due to a chemical spill. It probably still survives in other river systems, but they cannot be collected due to the civil war in Columbia, the only places they are still thought to exist are under guerilla control.


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My post is no help, but... When I was a boy, about 1976, I remember going to the LFS, and they had a tank with so many 6 inch P. suttoni (suttonorum), that they couldn't all sit on the bottom of the tank, so they were sitting on top of each other. I still remember the price, because there was no way I could afford them. They were $20 each.

A few months ago I was in the aquarium at Strathfield in Sydney, and they had a tank label that read; "blue-eyed black catfish $300". I looked hard but it was gone.

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$300 is cheaper than i though they would be. I was expecting about a price of aprrox $700. My bad. But still $300 is a huge amount for 1 fish. But $20, if only you could have afforded 10 or so We might still be able to get them.

But this LFS was it in Australia? If so there must have been atleast 1 occassion when the people who bought these fish had an accidental breeding or even a planned one.


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If only we could go back to those days when fish imports were virtually unrestricted.

I'm doubtful that any from those days would still be alive...and I'm even more doubtful that any would've been bred. Royal Panaques and many others in the "rare, large plec" category have only been recently bred, and even then, mostly through hormone induced breeding. I'd be suprised if anyone had an accidental (or on purpose) tank breeding back then...its still nearly unheard of today, even with hormone inducing.


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Isnt some one selling one of these guys for 800 i thin khe posted it not to long ago on the QLD cichlid forum and i thought that it was a little $$ but after reading this pst i now see why they are so dear you just cant get any.


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