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wow ,finaly my neets spawned , now there are about fifty of the little buggers , been four weeks now they are growing fast , eat every thing , well all this time the poor female is kept locked in her cave and is beaten up by dad when she trys to come out , the kids are everywhere and he does not touch them , just his girl should i move her out , im going to move the kids this week, to a bigger tank ,they keep blocking the filter on the tank there in now,lots of pooo!

any help thank you .........she is still eating a little bit ......

rob dntknw.gif

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If she is being bashed, And isn't eating properly like she used to, I'd suggest moving her to another tank and feeding her back up. But then again, I do not know what exactly a neet is so i don't really know what type of fish they are and how they would react to being seperated.

But it sounds like you need to seperate the female or she will eventually be killed (Depending on how violent and menacing the male is)


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I would definately be seperating the female and getting her into condition before allowing them to cohabitate again. Although I think it is probably better to move the male, as he will not be as frail, and also a spell away from the tank will make him less confident and dominant in the tank, at least temporarily.

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ok that sounds good ducksta , about the male he needs some time in one of the other tanks , sort him out a bit , let him know who's boss, gee when i come near the tank he trys to bite me through the glass.....what an angry bugger.....i'll give it a go........thanks rob ,and neets are from south america .. ...... thumb.gif

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Thats right Ducksta. Also known as poor mans trofius. I have kept these in the past, they are part animal part machine. I agree in removing the male, but be wary of who you put him in with. I dont know what you've got in your other tanks, but it must be mean if its gonna sort him out a bit. laugh.gif . Nah really, these fish especially when breeding are as about nasty as they get. Good tankmates for the large mean americans. Really good parents too. It's good if they have a big tank too. Demasoni or auratus would be good dither for Neetroplus I reckon. something fast anyway. good luck



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Yeah these would have to be one of the most aggressive American fish we can get. I have seen 1 pair keep about 5 red devils full grown at bay. also seen them beat the hell out of oscars as well.

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I read somewhere that in the lakes they will provide a cleaning service to the large cichlids, cleaning in around gills and mouth area, much the same way as the marine cleaners do.

Can't remember where I read it though.


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