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A couple of changes


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The voting is now complete for the new ranking/titles, you should all now see that your title has changed. As you progress up the posting ladder it will change further wink2.gif

We've also changed the bristlenose/cichlid user groups to basic/regular to save any confusion from having too many fishy names in the side box smile.gif

A big thank you to all those who brought forward their suggestions clap.gif

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I have also found in some cases, when people KNOW they are getting close to a promotion, they go a bit nuts and post absolute nothingness, deliberately double post, etc.

For this reason on an old board I used to mod on, we changed all off topic posts to not count toward anything, and all deleted posts to also remove a counted post. I know it seems petty, and it absolutely is, but watching people race to their next title gets old pretty quickly.

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It's ok Ducksta, we have a "list" for people that do that. They might find they get a custom title that they don't like very much if they start doing that....


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Just a quick question. My level has changed to "Shelldweller" which does not phase me either way but could you please explain what "Newbie" refers to.

Being new to a forum is one thing. Not asking/ posting enough questions on topics that have already been covered by the forum in the past is another.

Sorry, i don't mean to sound like a pain the bum.

Can someone please clarify this for me.

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It just means you are a Newbie here (new to the forum). Once you get to the next post level your title will change again.

The titles increase according to fish size. The next level for you is dwarf cichlid.

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its based on post count, not on how long you have been around. anyone that doesnt post much is counted as being new to posting.

not sure what the big deal is though, its a title and means stuff all. i could say LOTS more but will just zipit.gif as my mum always told me to do that when I cant say anything nice smile.gif

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I think there should be no title ohmy.gif

Post count means nothing in most cases.......except some people talk a lot woot.gif

A newbie wouldn,t know who to listen to just by post count!

An interesting thread in the catfish forum about putting an albino BN with a normal one . I think three different opinions on the results .

Should a newbie listen to the person with the largest post count ?

This is not mean,t to upset anyone ,but it is my opinion yes.gif

Or maybe i shouldn,t give my opinion blush.gif

cheers Kevin

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This is not mean,t to upset anyone ,but it is my opinion 

Or maybe i shouldn,t give my opinion 

Tiger, I my view laugh.gif

You are far better to have an opinion about everything, than an opinion about nothing. LOL.gif

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Kevin - I am with you mate - I don't believe there should be a title either. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

Opinions are always welcome here, and can often start some interesting debates, so keep voicing your opinions. yes.gif


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Should a newbie listen to the person with the largest post count ?

yes.gif But I would say that wouldn't I LOL.gif

I agree whole-heartedly TIger, post counts should be hidden, as I have said in the past, if it proves my point, my count can be reset to 0.

Numbers do not speak for knowledge, intelligence or common sense, even if I do talk alot blush.gif

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Ducksta..... My reply was not aimed directly at you ! dntknw.gif

I find some of your replys very informative thumb.gif

Mate ..........you should have been one of the moderaters thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

I am very opinionated ,i just hate typing woot.gif

For some reason in recent times a lot of very experienced people have slowed down or stopped replying or posting altogether.

I have learn,t a great deal from this forum ,but unfortunatly a lot of debate over the last year or so has been seen as politicaly incorrect, just incase things get out of hand for a while .

Maybe too strict for many !

maybe i,m getting sidetracked here zipit.gif

just my thoughts........i,m sure these views are shared by many .

ps .........i,m afraid i can,t get really excited about what fish name ya's wish to class me as dntknw.gif

cheers Kevin

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My reply was not aimed directly at you
Tiger I didn't think it was, just lending a hand of support from one of the geeks with way too many posts. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

I find some of your replys very informative
Some? cryblow.gif

I am very opinionated ,i just hate typing
3 words, Voice Recognition Software LOL.gif

Ok I'll stop. Because my comments from here, may be deemed politically incorrect blush.gif

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Tiger, the titles are just a bit of forum fun. They are not intended as a way to gauge who is reliable or not.

We have a bunch of Forum Veterans who have earnt that title from knowing their stuff and sharing their knowledge.

Newbies are encouraged to look to them for advice, not to forum chatterboxes wink2.gif

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