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Well self explanitary really just nice fish wub.gif , and i like to share!, enjoy

This is my colony of 21 Tropheus sp.black Kiriza. These guys are still only 3-5cm. Home is a 6x2x2, home made canister, more rocks will be added as i collect and clean them. There is a small pile about a foot high left of screen.

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And then I have them trained to form a nice group for pics! rolleyes.gif

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This is my latest group. 13 Tropheus sp. Red Chipimbi These are in a 6x18x18, again home made canister. Can see a dominant male in the rocks on the left.

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The pics of the chipimbi look a little weired because the inside of the front glass has a few big algae spots on it...sorry...but the fish come first.

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This is a loner that was thrown in when i got the Kiriza, It is a Tropheus sp. Black Bemba, but fails to show good colour as he is in a 6x2x2 with an assortment of sand sifters and featherfins....He is Boss!

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I have a group of 4 of these guys, ( No intro needed) it was a group of 33, but was decimated by bloat, ohmy.gif there are 2m, and 2f.

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And these guys are my favorite, Tropheus sp Red Kachese, I have 4 of them, 10 more will join them within a month, they are currently in a 8x2x2, with 10 lepto kitumbas, and a trio of ventralis "Samazi"

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I hope you enjoy these guys as much as I do everyday!

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Hey hey,

Great shots and well picked.

I have large breeding colonies of KII's, Chipimbi and duboisi Maswa and have enjoyed Tropheus for nearly four years now smile.gif and will do so forever LOL.gif .



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Its good to see so many tropheus pics going up lately. It also good to see so many people keeping different types

Nice photos too


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Thanks for the comments guys,

My priority will be to fill out the groups of Kachese and the Duboisi. Then I will hopefully get something else, am thinking the yellows Tropheus are nice, Nangus, Golden Kazumba, or maybe some of the more yellow Nkamba bay moorii Chilanga" hopefully widcaught would be nice, i have 3 more 6x2x2 to be set up in a few months...

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Awesome colonies Trofius!

It is obvious that u have also been seriously bitten by the Tropheus bug!!!! Didn't u sell a colony of Kasangas a while back? I thought u were getting out of tropheus altogether?

I am also looking for some more Tropheus Golden Kazumba. They r very impressive! I bought some (31) last year but lost 27 to bloat!!!!

Do u mind me asking where you get your Tropheus from? I know Nigel here in Sydney is trying to organise direct shipments from Africa but it would be nice to know if u have other sources.

I wish i could set up more Tropheus tanks! There r so many i want to keep!


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Hey Dave you have me confused with another, I have never sold or gotten rid of a tropheus yet., not intentionally anyway.

Up here in Queensland really good quality stuff is hard to come by but if you look you will find it. My Duboisi colony i lost was the fry from bengaboys that Anita bought, the kiriza is from a mate i know, the Kachese are from a pet store in brisbane that no longer stocks anything interesting, but sooty has some for sale so will be getting in touch with him again if he ever answers his e-mails The Chipimbi are also via a mate.

Yes it will be great if nigel can get some from the lad living on the banks of lake Tang. I would get some off Jim but he wont ship, pitty i could do with another 30 duboisi @$10 each, hint hint....! wink.gif

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Trofius....i must have mixed u up with someone else! I didn't think a TRopheus fanatic like u will ever get rid of their tropheus intentionally unless they were drunk or stoned!!! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

It is a pity that we don't have Bengaboy and Anita around in Sydney anymore. THey were partly responsible for my own tropheus addiction!

I think we have to try and convince Jim to ship interstate! I am sure he will do it if u would pay in advance and not blame him if there were any casualties. His stock is second to none! ANd his prices are crazy!


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