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Texas Holey Rock Experience!


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Hi Guys!

I'd just like to share with u all my experiences in purchasing these amazing Texas Holey rocks from the US!

i have developed an obsession for Texas Holey Rock! I have purchased 10 rocks in the last 3 months but have only received 2 at the moment. The seller - holeyrockman that i purchased from at:

Holey Rock

seems quite genuine. He has kept correspondence with me reassuring me that he has sent many rocks overseas (even Australia) with no problems. Rocks are packaged in a box with heaps of foam noodles and the rock itself is wrapped inside a plastic bag. I have had no breakages with the last 2 parcels.

i even called AQIS directly since my parcels were taking a long time and they told me that these rocks should not and have not been confiscated. He delivers via the USPS either sea or airmail. Obviously airmail is twice as expensive but is meant to arrive twice as fast. He said seamail can take up to 10 weeks and airmail 2 weeks.

Here is an example:

Rock 1

Subtotal: US $38.00

Shipping and handling via USPS Airmail Parcel Post:

(includes any seller handling fees) US $51.20

Seller discounts (-) and charges (+): US $0.00

Total: US $89.20

Rock 2 via seamail:

Rock 2

I won the bid for the rock for US$46.00 + postage and handling via USPS US$35.90!

As u can see, if u want a really popular and nice looking rock, everything is auctioned so prices may go quite high - I bought a rock for US$112.50!!!

Some rocks can be bought for $US 3.99 if no one else bids for them so it all depends on what u r after and how much u r willing to spend.

Delivery time is the biggest problem, i have been waiting for such a long time for the rest of my collection to arrive. But the seller does seem to be trustworthy since he claims he goes and checks with USPS that the parcel has been sent and that no problems were encountered. Also i don't think AQIS will confiscate it either and if they did they will inform u.

HTH u to decide whether to take the plunge!


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I would probably a bit sceptical when I had not received the goods that I had purchased. If the person that was selling the Texas Holey Rock is legitimate then he will not be too worried about providing the shipping label number for the rocks that he has sent. The United States Postal Service allows you to track the items on their website (Track and Conform). It is a quick and easy way for you to monitor the progress of your goods.


If all else fails ask eBay to chase it up.


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If its coming by sea then I would expect to wait 10-16 weeks for it. Like you said the guy seems trustworthy


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i have bought several items from the us with no problems , but ive never been able to track outside the us,and by surface mail if your rock just missed the boat you could have a bit of a wait. you seem keen on this rock its obviously popular , why not contact the seller and import in bulk and re sell at a profit to lfs and this forum!!

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Hi all,

Have read this issue/topic with interest. Being a Freight Forwarding Manager and dealing with shipments from all over the world on a daily basis some of your comments seem a little strange.

If you book cargo/shipments by seafreight it will take approx. 4 weeks from/via Lax/Los Angeles where most cargo is transhipped. There are direct sailings out of LA every week.

Obviously you will be charged pick up charges from AUstin/ Texas etc but still it should not take 10-16 weeks.

Just a suggestion if people go together and order from the same supplier your charges are kept at a minimum, get it picked up from whereever, share to total costs, your much better off, transit timeby airfreight would be around a weeks time due to the backlog in SFO/LAX.

If anyone is interested I can get some rates together what it would cost ex Houston Texas for airfreighting rocks etc. Obviously the more people the better to keep, airfreight, pcik ups charges, local charges etc down.

Let me know what you think



DO NOT ask me for individual quotes because it will not happen

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Thanks u all for all your comments!

I don't believe the guy here is conning me in anyway! I just think the mail service is rather slow and during the Christmas/New year period many parcels must have been sent and that they r still trying to catch up.

I didn't think of asking for the tracking number but apparently the seller has checked with USPS who assures him the parcel has been sent. Could there be a delay on this end?

I will wait patiently until all the rocks arrive before i will bid for more!

The seller also offers a combined parcel discount but does warn u of a greater chance that breakages may occur. The maximum combined weight is 40lb.

Frank, what u r saying sounds good but i don't understand it completely. R u saying that we can arrange postage of the rocks in bulk which will not only arrive faster but cost a lot less in postage? If that is possible i will gladly be part of it! I don't know if the Seller will agree to this arrangement though? Is there anyone interested as well?


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Hey hey,

Watch out for me....may be bidding against you smile.gif

If you are after numbers for a bulk posting count me in. Although valid point raised about shipping larger numbers causing breakages sadsmiley02.gif .


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Hey hey,

Nothing at the moment.

I am watching a variety of them though....just to see what they go for. Interesting to see what individuals bid for. At the moment seems to be the number of holes that are present smile.gif .


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