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Cheapest Place for Filtration Media


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One of my friend just gave me a second hand Jebo 809 filter for my new tank. However, it is missing all filter medias. Just wondering if anyone have use this filter before and know what media to put in each basket. It has 5 baskets inside which I have no idea what to put in there. Anyone have any experience? Also anyone know where is the cheapest place to purchase filter medias? LFS?

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I think the usual media of 1 x sponge tray, 1 x bio ball tray, 1 x ceramic noodle tray, 1 x filter wool tray and the fifth you could use scoria or anything else thats mentioned already as a double tray. Preferably bio balls for 2 trays.

Thats how i would fill it, any other ideas?

And they cheapest place to buy media would be HERE when its available... thumb.gifwink.gif

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What style of pump is a "Jebo 809 "?

If it is some sort of closed system (such as a canister), it is a waste of space to use bio-balls for the biological section.

With different trays, the usual way of packing it is to use different grades of mechanical filtration, course, medium and fine, then to use a biological (some sort of sintered glass), and you could use the last tray for a chemical filtration section or put some sort of media to buff your water like crushed limestone (assuming you have Africans).


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Jebo 809 is a canister filter. It has 5 trays or baskets for biological filtration I think. I just want some advice of what to put in those baskets for the best filtration.

I am keeping africans at the moment and I want to set up the filters this weekend. All those items you have listed, where can I get it? Does LFS have it?

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If it was me, I'd put efimech (excuse spelling) - small ceramic pipes, into the first tray, kamaharda biomat (excuse spelling) into the second, and filter wool into the third. Enough layers to fill each basket.

Efimech is an Eheim product and kamaharda biomat (actually produced for biological filtration but works well as a coarse filtration media) is produced for the aquarium industry - it is a bit expensive, but you should not use much.

Don't use bio-balls as they are at their best when water is trickling through them, which can't happen in canister filter.

Use some sort of sintered glass for your bio section, such as Eheim's Efisubstrate, and I believe Aquasonic have a copy of that, which should be cheaper. I personally wouldn't use Matrix in this section as their greatest advantage (over Efisubstate) is their claim to fame of their ability to remove nitrate. With the water flowing through them in your canister (you don't mention flow rate), I would doubt that there would be any anaerobic zones within the Matrix to get rid of nitrate.

In addition, due to Matrix's larger partial size (to aid in anaerobic zones), you will get less surface area into your filter chambers than if you use Efisubstrate.

All these things are available at aquariums, but not all aquariums will stock them. Ring before you go.

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