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Questions regarding Ps Acei *msuli Point*


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Hi Guys

Ok... I have around 8 Ps Acei *Msuli Point*, all adults.

I would like to know, from people who have these fish and who breed them, what is the best food to feed them to get really good coulor?

What decoration have you got in your tank when breeding them?

More or less rocks?

All replies greatly appreicated,

Cheers Daniel

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Hi Daniel,

The best way to get good colour is to have good stock. These fellas are an amazing irradescent pale blue/mauve with bright yellow tail from the time they are tiny and maintain that colour as they grow.

Maintain a diet rich in spirulina and supplement with some protein now and then and provide a peaceful environment with plenty of cover (rocks etc) and they will remain happy. They are quite timid (strangely enough) and do not like too much other activity in the tank or in the tank surrounds.

I am certain that they will reward you with some fry before too long smile.gif as these would have to be the most voracious breeders I have seen to date in my tanks.



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Hi Daniel,

I always fed mine OSI cichlid flake. The colour in Msulis tends to 'wash-out' as they get older and bigger. My largest male was about 20cm and his colour was probably at its best when he was about half that size (it's like they only get a certain number of colour pigments and they have to spread them out over a greater body surface area as they grow rolleyes.gif )

As for decoration, my tanks use undergravel filtration, so I always have a couple of inches of gravel. I also have a few rocks but still maintain plenty of open water swimming space (my Acei were in a 4' x 18" x 24")

Lots of fish are happy to spawn out in the open, but I found that the Acei prefer a cave (a little privacy, mood music, foreplay wub.gif - you know the score!). As you can imagine, a 20cm fish and his lady will need a pretty big cave. I had a big piece of slate supported by two brick shaped rocks and the male used to dig the gravel to his liking. A big flower pot might work, but I haven't tried one.



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Well there you go - two different views from two people who have had a fair degree of success breeding Acei. Mine was being composed while Aline slipped under my guard and got in first! sadsmiley02.gif

Aline wub.gif , my fish were never shy, maybe something to do with location, traffic or tankmates (Blues).

Acei are supposed to be more inclined towards being vegetarians - so spirulina is probably a better choice than garden variety cichlid flake. But I maintain that the Msuli Points look better as juveniles than adults. wink.gif

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Hey hey Lee,

Never meant to beat you to the post blush.gif

I remember Matty complaining that I type too fast tongue.gif. After six years of study and about a zillion assignments later that's what happens LOL.gif

My guys are really skittish (in a really quiet part of the garage aka fishroom) unless it's feeding time. These guys eat out of my hand. I just find them to be more nervous than some.

Hope to see you soon.


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Hi and thanks for your great replies.

My Stock came from BaZ, Rol&Jas, and you Aline!

they are in a 4x14x18, and are with 2 large E.Yellows.

They havent been breeding, but have bred alot for the previous owner.

Will changing the rock formations in the tank make any difference?

Cheers Daniel

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If you are looking for breeding triggers try the following:

25% water changes weekly

good quality food - to condition the females in particular

cavelike formations - as suggested by Lee smile.gif

flat rocks for spawning on (sometimes they love this sometimes not!)

patience and a dose of luck.



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Hi Daniel,

My 'msuli' are basically a "just add water" fish. They breed all the time and are not skittish at all. The tank decor consists of open water, shell/coral/sand substrate, wood and rocky areas. They are happily co-existing with an A. calvus trio (providing the trio with a constant supply of live food in the form of babies) and a group of Ps. daktari. They are a fab fish, always moving and not shy at all. Mine are predominantly fed sera flora.

merjo smile.gif

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