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My day in 'the shire'


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Today Dave and I had a day out in 'the shire'.

Yes, aparently there is only one 'shire' in the world, and we're not talking Blacktown Shire blush.gif

Thank you Lee, Craig P, Craig T and Warren for letting us browse and poke our way around your fishrooms. Special thanks to Waz for giving up his day to be our guide, and thanks also to his wife Dianne for feeding us smile.gif

We saw 4 completely different fishrooms, each spectacular in its own way. I learnt lots of tips and tricks for future additions to my own fishroom, and Dave came home with over 100 photos on his camera.

Once I've finished the current renovation on my fishroom I'll have to have the shire gang here for a bbq to return the favour.

Thanks for a great day!

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hi Baz & Dave

we are also sure you're not talking about the "HILLS"

this is great to see happening, should be more of it!

but how can you do 4 fishrooms in one day??. when i go to some

ones place, i'm there for hrs, they must be glad to see the back of me.

but it sure is a good way to pick up ideas, see some fantastic fish, [that you rarely see around the usual haunts] and some well set up fish rooms.

my fish room is currently undergoing extentions as well, it's rather crowded atm, and a little difficult to view the fish with ease. but it is a breeding set up.

none the less it should be easier when i finish the exts.

well done guys, twist arms if ta have Dave, i'm sure we would all like to see the pics.

cheers; Colin

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Hi Baz and dave you guys are most welcome and I am glad you enjoyed yourselves because I know we enjoyed having you visit wub.gif

We had the Canberra gang up here a few weeks ago as well wub.gif

I must say one thing about this hobby its fantastic the people you meet and the friends you make

Anyway as far as I know there is only one shire and thats the birth place of modern Australia and a great place to live with only one draw back Having the Cronulla sharks as our local football team sadsmiley02.gif

oh well cant haver everything tongue.gif



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Hey hey,

I grew up in the Shire (Gymea Bay) and couldn't wait to get out LOL.gifLOL.gif it was so dead boring (I suppose everything was at 17) laugh.gif

Headed for the lights of Sydney and didn't look South for a very very long time.



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Hi Aline,

You left Gymea Bay for the bright lights of Sydney? You should have headed north. So far, I know that you and Matt have lived in the Blue Mountains (west) and Wonoona (south). Still looking eh? woot.gif

There are actually two 'Shires', the one with the crook footie team, and Tolkien's fictional one where the hobbits live.

And we all know there are only two types of people - those who live in the Shire, and those who want to!

Dave and Baz,

I'm glad to hear that you had a good day and thanks for keeping quiet about the secret water change system (still under development - an annnoncement will be made soon cool.gif )



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Hey Baz and Dave

Glad you enjoyed your day and yes Baz we certainly are going to take you up on your offer of a return visit to the mountains. thumb.gif

Might have to go via Ryde too. wink.gif

The "shire" is certainly the best place to live, although we have a lousy football team, we do have the best cichlid breeders around. wub.gif

The only down side to the shire is Coboltcraig lives here and we have to put up with all his bad jokes. mad.gif

Oh well spose we can suffer him though, he does have good fish. clap.gif

C'mon Dave get these promised photos up. tongue.gif


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Hey Lee,

We have done the north as well that's where we met - Matthew is a Belrose boy smile.gif

It may be that we are seeking Hobbit Shire as we always seem to end up living in mist and fog and rainforest vegetation surrounding us rolleyes.gif

Ever noticed that Matthew has short legs woot.gifwoot.gif



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I also remember Matthew's plans at one stage to dig a fishroom into the yard at Katoomba.

Sounds very hobbit-like to me wink2.gif

In the end I think he gave the burrow idea away when he realised a burrow was NOTHING like a pyramid tongue.gif

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And yes Lee, wont breathe a word until you have finished testing and developing.

Perhaps down the track you could put something together for the technical forum? I'm sure we have plenty of members here who would love to know the special tricks used by you Shire Dwellers.

Folks, please express your interest here if you would like Lee to share his water change system with us all once he has finished developing it. If there is enough interest he might come round smile.gif

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Hey hey Baz,

No wonder Matty's eyes lit up when he saw the dug out area under the new house LOL.gif.

He is away atm doing his recertification and I am hoping to have the painting of the room done by the time he comes home - complete with Pyramid border woot.gif



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Folks, please express your interest here if you would like Lee to share his water change system with us all once he has finished developing it. If there is enough interest he might come round

Hey Lee, you show me yours and I'll show you mine..... Mine is probably much less technical, but much more fun. woot.gif

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Folks, please express your interest here if you would like Lee to share his water change system with us all once he has finished developing it. If there is enough interest he might come round

Would love to see the system Lee. Always great to see new advancements for the hobby.

I've often wondered about a re-circulation system but haven't quite worked out how to "REFRESH" the water yet.

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Lee's waterchange system is top secret. I'm sorry, but I cant post photos of it.


Does it have anything to do with unsuspecting fish room tour participants being given a bucket and sphyon hose each laugh.gif



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Better hurry up and get those patents through the lawyers office mate, before Yew changes his mind and blows your secrecy with photos of your mighty invention. wink.gif

Although Yew said he wouldn't post them - remember Baz has access to the pictures too. whistling.gif

Rosco - shhhhhhhh zipit.gif


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Thanks to all who were involved today - I had a good time and saw some snifty fishes/setups.

What a great word - snifty ?

But is it a real word? tongue.gif



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Hi Richard

SNIFTY - yeah, great word isn't it. sadsmiley02.gif

I think it's one of them yuppy Uni words that fly around all the intellecs @ Sydney University. LOL.gif

Or...................maybe its something to do with eating too many potatoes. tongue.gif


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I wouldn't be so sure Yew smile.gif (about it being a real word)

I looked it up on dictionary.com, it had an entry but I'd probably have to pay to find out what it is (the site has changed recently sad.gif ) My old school secondary dictionary didn't have it listed - anyone have one of those chunky all encompassing dictionary's? We just have to find out! laugh.gif



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Snifty - Adj. Means that something is cool


[u.S. slang] 1) having a pleasant or agreeable smell 2) haughty, disdainful

From the urban dictionary

1. snifty

Used in leiu of "spiffy," lest you sound like a complete LOSER and everyone makes fun of you. Combination of spiffy, nifty, and YOUR A LOSER. Originally coined by Drew Hayes's comic book creation, Lusiphur Malaché, in the comic book Poison Elves.

That's the sniftiest thing I've ever heard.

You're snifty, go out with me.

Spiffy is a crutch for those unable to comprehend the complexity of snifty.

To much time on my hands. LOL.gif

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