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fry tank

MikeWs Fish

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at the moment i have just put some fry in a 120L 3ftish tank. Will a 500l/h internal filter be too strong? I have lots of aurora and demasoni fry on there and dont wanna find them all stuck to the side of the filter. at the moment i just have an airstone in the tank. Should i get an additional box filter or something? Fry vary from 1cm to about 3cm. some of them seem to be having a tough time in the current from the airstone (the 1cm fry)!

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if thats all youve got at the moment mike,

set it up so the water jets across the watersurface.the fry is either too small to swim up to the pump,or they are big enough to get out of its suction

(if its intake is covered - of course it is!)

i dont think 500lh pump is very strong at all.its probably got small media too,so clean the sponge maybe every day at first to see how filthy it gets or notice the decreasing water output to indicate blockage.

OR if the fry are big enough to resist suction,you can put it on the bottom pointing up to fountain the surface to collect waste from the bottom of the tank.

oh and im sure youll have 'ps elongatus spot' fry in there soon. thumb.gif

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Thanks for the advice guys!

Mate... cant WAIT for some elongatus 'spot' fry. Had a kingsizei lupingu MF but got swallowed... but.. got an eletric yellow MF today (1st one woohoo) laugh.gif and got a double demasoni MF a week ago (2 fish same day). My small little fish room is kicking along quite nicely. 13 tanks in all so far. smile.gif

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Mike I think you answered your own question

Q: Will a 500l/h internal filter be too strong?

A: some of them seem to be having a tough time in the current from the airstone


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true that... guess the main part of my qn was what alternatives should i be using to the 500l/h. I think the sponge filters should be right. Maybe ill get a 500l/h for my next fry tank (4-6+cm tank). Might need another tank soom too Yikes.. just bought 6.

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Also... if you want your fry to grow fast the current shouldnt be excessive (otherwise they spend energy swimming against it which could be better allocated to growth).

HTAlsoH -

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