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NSWCS meeting


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i've never been to the meetings, and would like to make it to the next meeting, i know it happens every first saturday of each month, starts at 7:30pm at Nuwarra PS. what i would like to know is when it finishes, whats the attendance rate, whats the atmosphere like and is it just older people who attend(not there anything wrong with being old), and any things else that i would want/need to know.

thanks for help always, i know i have been asking alot questions lateley, and thanks again for your patience also, as i might have also treaded on some toes lately with the frontosa topic. but i still have alot to learn. thumb.gifthumb.gif


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Hi -

-It finishes between 11-12.

-Attendance rate is always 100%. ie: all members in attendance are generally attending... but about 100-150 people turn up, meeting depending.

-Atmosphere, hmmm... 78% nitrogen, 21%... Seriously: the atmosphere is cichlid meeting esk smile.gif - -hard to describe... but we (on the committee at least) hope it is a friendly one.

-Older ppl? Depends - how old are you? I'm 28, there are some older folk than me there and equally there are younger ppl.... average age? no idea.

-There's no much else to know except Aline sells the winners (except to me).


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Dave means the winning raffle tickets not some sort of slavery movement wink.gif .

There is definately a wide selection of individuals across age and knowledge groups. My nan attends at times and she is well into her eighties and I have suffered through some moments with a handful of 5-10 year olds LOL.gif.

Take a cross section of our society include all ages, ethnic persuasions, height and weight, education and fanatic behaviour woot.gif (not always about fish) and you have our club.

If you want to learn about cichlids, meet new friends over a touch of supper, have a few laughs along the way (at Dave if you wish, when he doesn't win a prize) and be amazed at our autioneers ability as they run our not so mini auction then come along.

I guarantee that if you listen, you will learn more in a few hours than any book or documentary or some LFS's can impart.

Hope to see you there.


Aline (one of those older people)

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There's no much else to know except Aline sells the winners (except to me).

That she does in 4 meetings I think that I have taken away 4 prizes + a lucky door prize (sorry yew). laugh.gif

We (chorrylan, shell and myself) try to make it a regular road trip from Canberra and we have a great time every meeting and the people are really friendly. If you want to learn about cichlids this is the place to go. There are always great talks and supper is a god send (especially when we get home around 3:00am), I highly recommend attending.

Hope to see you there (we will be the noisy country bumkins) LOL.gif



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It finishes between 11-12.

since im only still 17 and dont yet drive im still dependent on my parents for transport, i really doubt that they are gonna pick me up between those hours. sadsmiley02.gifohmy.gif


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You also don't HAVE to stay right through. You could leave at whatever time your parents want to pick you up thumb.gif Tell your dad to drop you off, take your mum out for dinner and dancing, then pick you up again on before going home LOL.gif

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Tell your dad to drop you off, take your mum out for dinner and dancing

Wow sounds like dad gets the short straw in this deal to me LOL.gif

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