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Peacocks, Brichardis & Gibbi


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i was wondering if the peacocks or my the gibbi would eat the newborn brichardi fry/eggs that was left in the tank with the adults.

tank would just contain peacocks (probably eureka reds), brichardis and a gibbi plec.

thanks for your help ppl. thumb.gifthumb.gif


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The brichardi parents will do their best at preventing their fry from being eating. They will actually become very mean to all the other fish in the tank. But while they are not looking, I am sure the peacocks will be sneaking behind their backs and eating the fry one by one. cool.gif

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how about the plec, would it pose any harm for the brichardi fry or eggs. (im worried that the plec will snack on the eggs, or will the brichardi be able to defend the eggs against the plec.

thanks for your response, and keep them coming as im open to more help and comments (there is still so much to learn). thumb.gifthumb.gif


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Hi slinky,

I threw my albino brichardis in with my 7 bars (for lack of another place atm) and they are breeding like mossies in a drain. Whilst most get picked off, there are still a considerable number in there from a series of different spawns.

merjo smile.gif

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I'd be more worried about the plec than the other cichlids.

1. they are nocturnal.

2. they are armored.

3. they are sneaky and can engulf a whole spawn site in a single mouthful.

4. they would probably look like a log/rock to most fish. a log moving into the spawn site at night is hardly worth waking up to fight off.

I know my bristlies get more of my GT eggs than they should. I just can't get them all out LOL.gif

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then do you guys know a alternative to the plec, that can also clean algae sufficiently but doesnt go after the fry/eggs. also are bristlenoses any better, initially i was worried that the brichardi would bully the bristlenose. im asking all these question because im trying to set up a 5ft and trying to work out good combinations. thumb.gifthumb.gif


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You've got to ask yourself, if you were a fish, would you go past a meal of fresh eggs or new hatched fry which are just clumped together in a group.

If you are solely after fry and making sure they reach sellable size, then tankmates with egglaying fishes are always going to be trouble. The truth is, EVERYTHING you put with those fish is going to look at eggs/fry as an easy meal, and you WILL lose the bulk of the spawn.

If you are more interested in a snappy looking display, then stock it with whatever tickles your fancy and forget about who eats what.

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mainly i want a self sustaining colony in the tank(display tank), i would like to start with 6 brichardis, and hope that it would succesfully colonise the tank. i dont mind if i dont get 100% of the fry im happy with half, i just wanna know will the plec/bristlenose finnish of all the eggs or just eat some of it. thanks for your help as always. thumb.gifthumb.gif


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