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6 bar front holding(8months old)is it rare


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Just came back from a friends place and to my amasement his 6 bar Frontosa is holding a mouthful(2 days).Whats amasing to me is that there only 8 months old

and both male and female are only 10-11 cm.

Is this rare,I thought they had to be about 2 years old and 14cm plus.

Also,how long does it take for the eggs to turn into fully formed fry,I've read

about 40 days.

Very interested in your thoughts,especially Frontosa breeders.

PS.Best part,my friend is a complete amateur and knows nothing about cichlids!!

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Probably took some xrays just to make sure - what do you reckon?? laugh.giflaugh.gif

Zorro, I think it's wonderful for this to happen to your friend - it is just awesome to have your first mouthful of fish.

Are you sure of the fish's age though? Size is irrelevant in my opinion as you will always have tall and short fish so to speak and unless he has had the fry from about 1/2" onwards, he would only be guessing at their age.

Hope all goes well for him with the mouthful smile.gif

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Anita,the fish are definately 8 months old.He got the fish of me when they were

only 2cm.I didn't take any X-rays or a Mamograph(haha),but did see the eggs in

the mouth.Anyway,the same question.Is this rare! If it wasn't Frontosas would

only be worth a third of what they are now.

Thanks all,comments appreciated.

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I think the longer we are breeding them in captivity the earlier, smaller and easier they will breed. I mean this in a generational sense. It seems I can remember when fronties wouldnt breed before 3 years, and I havent been active in the hobby long enough to remember how long it took when they first entered the country. I think the longer we have them in captivity the easier they get to breed. This is true of almost every species I can think of - bristlenose catfish even!!

I think fronties will hold most of their value though, as it takes a special kind of person to keep and breed them, and then raise fry. A very special, boring, person who likes watching grass grow. LOL.gif Sorry had to sneak that in.

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I here ya Ducksta buddy but what's wrong with watching the grass grow?


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