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Which LFS will BUY your fish?


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I have been to both my local shops. One will trade fish for goods and the other isn't interested in buying adult cichlids.

Just wondered what your experiences have been like and also what sort of prices they offer. ie % of retail.

A couple of referrals would be appreciated.

Thanks Martin

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I havent been selling fry for very long but what i do know is that even though i understand why LFS want to trade the fry in for food/credit etc - I hate i when they dont pay $ and wont sell to them. There are a handful that pay $ but i suppose you can twist their arm? if they want your fry bad enough...

PM me and ill name a few that i have sucessfully sold fry to. Also youd be pretty lucky if they offer to pay a reasonable percentage of their price tag. Most of them will pay the bare minimumn wholesale price.

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Hi Guys -

I've sold fish to Lams, StGeorge and a few other shops around Sydney. It really depends on what you are breeding. If you have good stock and popular species you should be able to sell for 1/3 retail or equivalent in trade.

Popular fish (electric yellows, mainganos, bristlenoses etc) are easier to sell IMHO.


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Alot of shops have verbal agreements with their local breeders/suppliers that they wont source a species from any other breeder. Alot of people wont think a verbal arrangement is worth the paper its written on (yes I meant it, think about it) but most of the stores with good rep's will abide by them. So if you are offering a species that they buy regularly at a fixed price from a known breeder with quality lines and available numbers they wont be interested.

As for what shops will pay cash as opposed to credit, that is interchangeable. I have been paid in cash by stores that 100 other guys will swear will only trade for credit. Although they approached me for fish, advertised online. It becomes a who you know thing, as well as a reputation thing.

There is also the issue of whether your some blow in who wants to lose a few excess fish, or somebody looking to set up a long term trade agreement which is beneficial for both parties.

That is my take on the matter too. I might even edit it to make sense when i have slept in a couple of days.

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I sell a fair few fry to a couple of the LFS around me, only one will give me cash, but I find even then they will give me more in store credit than in cash, so I just take the store credits and save them for when I need foor, lights, kits etc. It works quite well - I haven't exchanged cash with this LFS for quite sometime.

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Remember that if stores started buying all their fish from breeders then breeders would have to collect GST for little Johnie. I dont think we want that. Before you start bashing stores for not buying your fish, most stores dont know most of you from a bar of soap. Any stores read these pages would be really happy with the way most ppl talk about them. They have a good supplier in Qld or Melb who can get what they want when they want, They dont want to get bad stock and then have everyone hear bash them for it.

If you walked into a car dealer and he refuse to buy your car. would you jump up and down

I dont think fish stores intentionally try to give bad info or rip ppl off. Yes it happens, but it happens everywhere!

I'll take the store credit any way. There always going to be something you need, and I bet with time, once they trust you, the cash will come

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a lfs near me will take all the big rd;s he can get, the bigger the better, this goes to show that you cant generalise, the most important thing ive found is to build a good relationship, go in and talk to them from time to time, most love talking about fish, dont breeze in for the first time and expect top dollar, they dont know that your fish dont carry diseases, and if possible take store credit, theyll usually pay more, the hardest thing is theyll nearly always say" how much do you want for them" , get an idea of what you want before you go in, do a bit of homework, and if you get half of that your doing ok ,and for grown convicts or zebras expect nothing , just be grateful someone will take them off your hands ,im now at the stage where i dont have to buy food, and i count myself very fortunate, however if your breeding royal plecos or the like then the boots on the other foot and the best of luck to you!

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Hey little swimmer unless your selling more than $50,000 worth of fish a year you dont have to worry about the GST , you must have a pretty good fish room at your place if your worried LOL.gifLOL.gifLOL.gif . The only advantage to being GST registered is that while you have to collect little johnnys cut you get to hold onto it for a few months to collect the interest on it and also you can claim back the GST on all your fish food and equipment etc.

I guess if the LFS started to buy all their fish off us the most we might need to do is get an ABN so that they dont withhold 48.5% of the sale price in tax

Even if all the LFS bought all their fish stocks direct off the breeders most of us still wouldnt make a profit. I would have thought that buying from the breeder would be in the LFS best interest, they could pay wholesale price with no transport costs added and they could inspect all the fish before purchase instead of buying sight unseen as they do when buying from the middleman.

One thing that has been said that i have to agree with is the fact that cultivating a good relationship with your LFS is good practice, he can give you the drum when something special comes in that you may want and he can let you know whats in demand locally and worth breeding if you want to breed for maximum gain rather than for personal pleasure. I like to breed for pleasure but i dont mind making a dollar in the process if i can


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Under $50,000 a year no need for an ABN. so long as you declare the you are a hobby only. You pay no tax, but you can't claim expenses either, power, excess water, food, consumables like medication or nuetraliser.

I have no trouble getting cash so long as you write an invoice, but then I have been supplying some of my customers for over 30 years and often cannot supply enough product for their needs.


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I know the under $50000 rule. But come tax time the stores are going to have tell the tax man they have spent "x" amount of dollars on fish, that they paid cash for. Realistically the stores should be only buying from people with an ABN. That way the tax man knows where the money is, I thought that was the idea behind the GST.

I know that cash sales can/do happen, but to do it with 100% of fish, that fish stores buy, would be impossible without the breeders having an ABN. The fish stores would get crucified by the tax man

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When I sell, I take the store credit, but I choose the store carefully so that the credit's value is wothwhile. Just look for a store with good prices for their livestock (hah!) and other goodies and then develop a relationship with either a manager or the owner and you will be cruising.

Cheers - OziOscar.

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I sign a declaration every year with my customers, they don't pay cash under the table, it's all on invoices so they claim outlays against income.

Have a talk to your accountant, provided you have other taxable income.

I even sell to customers in Sydney and Melbourne if I have what they are looking for. Some I have never even met, the product sells it'self.


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