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People opinion on this fish


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i have a few clavus myself and was advised not to give them to much meat product as they cant handle it, i was advised to give them brine shrimponce a week or so and apart from that keep them on a spirilina base diet, although from what i have seen on here and read in some other places i have noticed that alot of people raise the fry on brine shrimp. Once again its a case of "who do u listen too" i myself have gone with the brine shrimp once a week or so and they seem to be doing fine.

veeeeeeeeery slow growing though. gets to the point where you just wish you would wake up one morning and they would be full grown..............but i guess that wouldnt be any fun would it.

i also found that my larger calvus was picking on the the other 2. i ended up just putting some aulonacara in with them and this seemed to settle him down a little bit.

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Hey Mystic, As a 8cm male I would have thought that there would have been a little more colour on him. Also he's got one hellova gold head on him once again for a 8 cm fish (male). If he came from 'that' shop in Perth it could be possable that he's dodgy. I've had to return some fish because they were white and yellow.... and listen to the excuses from the salesman :)

It could be a girl I guess...... ? but she would still have more colour IMO.

Bek.. Feeding your fish on a staple diet of spirilina is not really good for the fish and is the reason that your fish is growing slowly. These fish require a high protein diet (being a preditory fish) for the best results. A good high protein flake or pellet, I use Orca pellets, supplimented with frozen/live brine and glass shrimp if you can find them at your local shop. This should help the little fellas :)


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Bek, I totally agree with Chuckmeister. Do some research on the Altos and you will see that they are all predators - not vegetarians :):

If you have seen posts where people feed the fry on b/shrimp, that would be because live foods such as these, as well as micro and grindle worms are small enough to feed these guys when newly hatched and probably for the next 6 months or so. Live foods also promote rapid growth in these slow growing fish and any other for that matter. They do require a high protein diet but a bit of veggie wouldn't hurt.

Mine get a combo of orca pellets, home made food and bloodworms once a week. Also frozen daphnia sometimes. :)

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yeh just chipping in on whats already being stated Alto comps and calvus are highly specialised fry predators which is why they are so laterally compressed well one name says that , so they can get into crevices that fry can hide from most other predators in . Don't know what gut length is but sure it suggests a high protien diet (short gut) as apossod to what you generally feed predominately vegie flakes to say tropheus with a very long gut length.

Regards Chris

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Is this the same fish that you are selling on the Perth forum that was originally purchased as a black calvus?? I don't think it is a black calvus, or a yellow for that matter :p:

At 8cm and a black calvus, this fish should have some consistant colour in it.

On your original pics, one looked like a comp and the other a calvus.

Can you put those original pics back up as well so the 2nd fish can be seen better

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Shoulda mentioned that that pic was taken when it was a juvenile....

Just took some more pics for ur examination, think still got alot of growing to do too, when I say 8cm it is from the very tip of the snout to the very end of the tail :p







They were pretty black with black bars with dark blue lips at one stage, does the color depend on the color of their surrounding?

Maybe should try putting them in a darker substrate and see what happens?

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Hi Mystic,

If you got them from where I think you did, the supplier of that shop had both calvus and compressies and mixed morphs together. This has led to blacks, whites and yellows (and whatever else!) to interbreed. I think that's what has happened here - the snout looks a little too short for a calvus (they usually look more like a compressicep that has rear-ended a parked car) and the colour is confusing too. :wub


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hehe yep look likes the general consensus about perths supply of calvus is really wacked up, probably due to some local breeder mass breeding them and causing everyone lots of problems. Anyway thanks for all your help.

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Just to lob my 2 cents worth into the discussion...

If they were bought from "The" shop that Chuck and Merjo have mentioned you will be better of finding space for them in the Freezer or returning them to the shop with a big "No-Thank-You!!" attached.

There are very few good Alto's in WA and it is, in large, the fault of the shop that Merjo, Chuck and myself have alluded to. They are ruthless in their sales pitch and they are sending these same Calvisseps to the East in huge numbers also.

PLEASE, be very carefull when buying Alto's that have come from WA.

I will only buy Alto's from people I know or breeders who will let me look at their breeding set-up...and this is what I would advise all others to do wherever possible.


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Good call Chuck...that is why I placed the caution notice in my post about the sale in the East of these abortions of Alto's.


p.s. anyone with nice Alto's of any species/varient would be advised to hang onto them as the blood-lines will be under a very high threat from this Alto-adulteration!! :(<_<

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