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MikeWs Fish

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After a tragic start to my demasoni keeping career (lost 6 adults sadsmiley02.gif ) i think they have started to come good. One of the girls has a mouthful, she must have done it when i was at my work chrissy party.

I'm not expecting her to hold it , although it'd be nice.

I also have a very proud dominant male swifting around over his rocks, so hopefully they'll breed again soon thumb.gif

Also: Are demasoni fry small enough to swim through the 1mm squared grids in the fry savers? Or will they be ok?

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Well done. I have found that my fry do alright in the tank with the adults, as long as there a heaps of hiding spots. They wont get through 1mm grid


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i had three mouthfulls when i got up on Sunday and buy the afternoon I had none. mad.gifmad.gif I cant wait till mine get a little older


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Yea Josh, that really sux when that happens. Whenever I get a mouthful i make myself EXPECT THEM to swallow the eggs. That way if they actually do hold long enough, then its an added bonus.

At the bare minimun, at least you know u have 3 definiate females, you also know your fish are healthy and happy. any you know they will breed again in 3 weeks or less even if it was a really small mouthful. wink.gif

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I know I have 5 diffinate females thumb.gif I would just like to get them to hold full term. the three that had mouthfulls on the weekend were all first timers, so i knew they wouldnt hold


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I think mine are first or second timers too - so im expecting them not to hold. I think if they do, ill let em spit. Something about stripping a demasoni urks me... theyre a little too small and fragile to try and strip IMO - i know some people even strip cyps though.. I dont have the guts to strip it lol

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Does anybody know what the problem is when the demasoni go off their food and about a week later they start dropping off? This is how I lost mine and i've had another forum member PM and ask about this. He/she had exactly the same syptoms as me when i lost my original 6.

One of them DID get better when i cleaned the filter and dosed the tank for velevet....

Anyone else expericenced this?

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Grant, is it was indeed velvet that did this, then it can spread. I had an aeci tank infested with it. They were scratching and breathing heavil/gasping. I gave them medicine at it fixed it up in a week or 2. I lost 1 fish besides the 6 demasoni. sadsmiley02.gif

Please look up velvet / medicine as keywords to find out the name of the medicine, as i cant remeber the name off the top of my head.

DONT medicate until you are exactly sure what u have. DONT medicate fry (i lost 20 by doing this - no warning on the bottle).

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MIKE, did you read the bottle? I can't be certain because I haven't had every medicinal aquirium product in use, but every product I have used has definately had 2 dase rates listed. The full dose, then what is usually a half dose for fragile and scale-less fishes. Fry come under the fragile category. I guess it comes down to interpretation though. My demasoni are all really good mums. Even the first timers. I have never had a need to strip them, they all hold big mouthfuls full term and are back in condition to return to the colony in no time.

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I replied to the post in the classifieds where MikeW was sourcing some female demasoni but now can't find it for reference..........anyway what I wrote was that my females have also held from their first mouthful the only difference was fewer fry in the first and second instance after that there 20+ each time smile.gif .

I am really thrilled that these beauties seem to have come back onto the market but am disappointed that so many are having problems - although at the start I too lost half a colony but there was no info to be had. Some books even call these mbuna 'mild mannered' dry.gif

I have received a number of PM's and have gladly offered the best advice based on experience with these beauties.

This is to all that have inquired:

Please read the labels with all medication - I cannot offer much on this as I have not needed any in eight years (touch wood). I do know however that without a sample for microsopic investigation, most of the time it's hit and miss as we guess as to what can be ailing our fish.

Please quarantine any new fish for the sake of other tank mates and save yourselves some heartache. Regardless of your financial investment all fish are worth at least a fighting chance devoid of operator error.

And please please take notice when told that they are VEGETARIAN dry.gif

To all those that aquire demasoni (and any other fish for that matter) please open your minds to those that have had success and are willing to share......

Sorry Mike for sabotaging your post for my moment on the soapbox. smile.gif



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Aline, it was your advice IMO, that kept me from falling into the traps with these beauties and losing fish like many others have. I have never lost any adult/juvies to my knowledge. Of course in a fry tank I could have numerous losses that I never even know about but thats different wink.gif And I have so many it doesn't even matter woot.gif . Jokes.

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