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The ACE Inc. National BBQ


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A continuation of this post

The ACE team has plans to hold a get together.

To achieve this we want to run a simultaneous function Australia wide, and make it an annual event. We need to do it in the same type of location as each other so I think that a park with BBQ gear would be the go.

This will allow all the members from each state to have a common event to chat about.

What we are trying to do here is have a social event at the same time on the same day and I would like to send some funds to the state reps to pay for some sausages, bread and soft drinks. We would also like to have the members bring a “plate” (full of food to share, not to fill with food).

We have a Mod and Admin team member in Sydney, Newcastle, Canberra, South Australia Perth and Victoria.

Willy Wombat will look after the ACT members

E4G13M4N will look after the SA members

Chilli Powder and Aquaman will look after the Victorian members

Anita will look after the Perth members

Andy and Ben will look after the Novacastrians

Andrew, Teamsherman and I will look after the Sydney members


We would also like to see some volunteers to help out with the organising and to help out on the day. So please feel free to indicate this to us if you are able to help out. In particular we need help in Perth (Anita is flat out atm) Victoria (Aquaman has a new Baby on his hands) Newcastle (Andy will have a new Baby on his hands late January) and SA (Mark is a bit crook with a sexually transmitted disease oops I mean social disease err actually I think it may be hiccups)

Sponsors please note

I would also like to see some sponsor participation so that we can run some silly events and give away some prizes. I have Sooty committed to donating about 100 feeder things. They are a plastic square with a suction cup to hold it in place and you put the fish food in them so that the food sinks before it gets a chance to make it to your filter.

Please remember that we have 6 locations happening all at the same time so we would need you to supply at least 6 of the same item, perhaps more to share the prize pool, obviously there will be more people at the Sydney event that the SA one.

I don’t mean for it to be over organised. Just a simple get together that happens all over Oz at the same time with the same easy comps that we can all play and win a prize (Regardless of mental or physical capability).

Later we can run a poll to see roughly how many will attend from each state.



Saturday 12th February


10:30 hours WA, 13:00 hours SA and 13:30 hours NSW & Vic?


ACT = Lake Burley Griffin

SA = ?????

Vic = Studley Park (just near Studley park boathouse) / Fairfield

Perth = Point Walter

Newcastle = Speers Point Park (bbq area near kids playground probably)

Sydney = Parramatta Park


katanaone, YeW, Aline & Matt Rol&Jas cosmiccreepers(Sydney)

Kimbo merjo (Perth)


Bilby Shoes (a pair of our Aussie made boots )

Soots Place

Auburn Aquarium

Age of Aquairums


The Bilby shoe Boot throw

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wont be familiar with anyones faces there

That’s the whole idea of the event, to get everyone to have a chance to meet on a social level thumb.gif

what food do we have to bring there

I plan to give the state reps some cash to buy some bread rolls, snags and soft drinks. I would like to see everyone bring a plate of something to share to complement that.

With a bit of luck the multicultural nature of our society will bring some yummy tidbits for us all to explore thumb.gif

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Just thought i would bring this back near the top, cause i forgot about it im sure others have too, so here it is again people. I think the proposed date is 13th feb so get out your footies and frisbees and bring your fish tales too.

Cheers, Alan.

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Just me, Benno and Mark i'm afraid (SA) sad.gif. Benno has fallen of the face of the internet aswell (hasn't got access at the moment).

Anthony cool.gif

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Hey Guys well im living at my girlfriends house curently. So i have acess to the internet for 2 weeks (well almost 2 weeks). So Mark and Anthony if any of you guys want to let me know if anything is happening or you guys need some help feel free to buzz me or SMS me on my mobile, the number is 0431 543 514. As i do not work on Saturdays so i should be fully availible. Cheerz guys Benno

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Just thought i would bring this back near the top, cause i forgot about it im sure others have too, so here it is again people. I think the proposed date is 13th feb so get out your footies and frisbees and bring your fish tales too.

That's a thought. Is this still going ahead? I'm still planning on going.

Cheers, Cassandra.

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