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I may well be counting my chickens (or fry maybe) before they've hatched but I seem to have a big Copadichromis mouthful clap.gif They are wildcaughts and as far as I'm aware the only ones of this varient in the country (except a few left available at retail prices blink.gif )

My dilemma is this, I am a big advocate of letting a fish hold full term, despite knowing they will inevitably fail a few times and swallow the bulk of a spawn after the eggs hatch.

I don't like stripping a fish despite being quite handy at it when the need arises.

My question is this, for the others who have bred species as the first in country, and for anyone else who'd like to comment, is this different? Would I be doing the hobby a favour by stripping and maximising the yield on this spawn and letting them go natural next time?

I have waited some time to get a spawn, and there is a chance it may be the only one.I know alot of people would dive in and strip eggs, but if it came to it, I don't think I'd cut it any shorter than 12 days.

ps. I think my mind is made up anyway blush.gif I've been ticking things over in my head for a couple of hours and I'm pretty sure I'd like to let her hold, but I'd love to hear other opinions and if someone thinks they can sway me, please try LOL.gif

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Firstly congrats!! clap.gif

I`d do nothing different to your normal routine, there is no reason why they won`t keep spawning. I used to milk my fish but always felt uncomfortable doing it, now I always leave them to do it naturally. It is much more rewarding and far less stressful on your fish. I can empathise with you it would be tempting.

Any chance of some pics??, I am a big fan of the Copadichromis.


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hey ducky, clap.gif

well i stripped my dewindti female after 17 days and the fry were fully formed.(approx. 1cm),

she had held 3 times and spat after 2 days every time (because of the calvus i think) so after she had held for 15 days i put her in a breeder net and hoped she would spit - she didn't - so on the 17th day i milked her. (she looked very hungry so that is what swayed me).

cant say yet if it affected her future breeding/ holding, but next time i'll let her go full term just to see.

what sort of Copadichromis are they?

if they are ilesi, geertsi or likomae i WANT some laugh.gif

cheers mate


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Hey Ducksta smile.gif I'm the same with my Exochochromis anagenys. I decided to let them hold term. I've had one girl hold full term twice now and the others are still learning. I guess it depends on if you want to make money or not!! Mind you, I've had fish hold full term, first try too!! I think its much better for the fish and alot easier in the long term than tumbling because mum does it all. I've also heard the other side of the story....'Its your responsability to make sure they get out to the public'

If it were a vote I'd go 'Leave her' smile.gif

Congratulations on the spawn. It would be a nice feather in your cap..


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Yea Chuck, I'm more than likely going to leave her. I am going to build her an extra large fry saver too woot.gif It's been a while since I had anything bigger then mbuna with a mouthful LOL.gif

Wow I am rapped though. I feel like a kid at Christmas!!!

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Well done Ducky. thumb.gifthumb.gif

Go the natural way, I say...even more of an achievement in my books. plus it is good imprinting on the fry that you will have to sell/keep...another factor of quality I say. wink.gif

If she holds to 12 days she will hold full-term, more than likely, anyway.

Well done again. thumb.gif

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You might consider stripping her so she will start eating sooner and produce more fry, or produce more fry more quickly? Either way - congrats on the spawning.

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Willy, why would I want that? The less I breed the more valuable they are woot.gif JUST KIDDING GUYS! I am not too fussed how many fry she produces thumb.gif If I was going to strip it would really only be if I feel she is losing too much condition and for her benefit, not my wallet.

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