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Bad Day Firday


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I was not a happy chappy on Friday. I had the weekend free and planned on setting up, filling and aquascaping the new display tank. I have been sourcing fish for purchase for weeks and had everthing under control until:

Expecting - delivery of new 6' tank

Got - very cracked 6' tank due to transport from Sydney by manufacturer

Now have to wait 2 weeks before delivery of repaired tank.

Expecting - New Eheim ProII

Got - very smashed filter thanks to the freight company

Now have to get them to deliver on the insurance so I can buy a replacement.

None-the-less the custom stand was delivered in one piece and so I had time to lacquer and sand, build a shelf and design and fit a cane blind which I am using instead of doors. It looks pretty good even without the tank!

I had less hassle renovating the kitchen. Still, I am on track to get everything set up before Christmas and my level of excitement is still high!


Scienceman wink.gif

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Thanks for the support.

The breakage apparently occured on the bottom end as they transport them standing up. Must have been something under the padding creating a pressure point or a particularly large jolt.

It is being made in Sydney and I am on the Central Coast and they use their own trucks for deliveries. It will be 2 weeks before their next run up here and the trucks are used for deliveries all over the state and interstate. I've kicked up a stink but they said it cannot be done, especially just before Christmas.

As for the tank repairs, I am being realistic. Even if I insisted on a new tank they will give me the old repaired one anyway as there is now way to tell the difference.

The LFS that I bought through did not accept the broken tank and when I get it it will have a 12 month warranty. I'm not very happy but what can I do as I have no leverage except not proceeding with the purchase - and I want it.


Scienceman dry.gif

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Now to try and get money from the freight company for the busted Eheim. The FS I bought it from in Sydney were adament that it was perfect when they sent it. Ever seen a FRAGILE sticker on a box with a large boot print on it!!!!!! These guys must use packages for football practice woot.gifmad.gif

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The FS I bought it from in Sydney were adament that it was perfect when they sent it.
..hmmm, I would be demanding that the shop replace the item(coz they organized the courier not you) and then seek re-payment from the freight company themselves.

After all they will have more leverage with the freight company than you will.

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Unfortunately I organised the fright company. However I do have a little leverage as the are one of the big companies and the company I work for uses them so they had better look after me or I will be passing on my grievencess to my boss tongue.gif

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