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Wet/Dry filters


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ive got a 800L tank with two overflows and was just wondering whereabouts the best deals on wet/dry filters are and whether it would be better to just make one myself out of an old 4 foot tank i have no use for.

any opinions welcome



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I'm actually getting a 4' x 16" x 18" sump made for my 6' x 2' x 30" which also has two intakes. The sump has two compartments, ie. one for each intake, that will have bio balls. it uses a glass diffuser and the pump will be central. Although I haven't picked it up yet or seen it, I've been assured its a good design. I'll probably pick it up this weekend and then test over the next few months.

I was also considering making one myself out of a 4' tank, but this one seemed reasonably priced, brand new for $230, and a lot less hassle and time which I don't have! The best thing about it is the lack of a spinning arm, where the main cost is in creating one.

Hope this helps, PM me if you want the details of where I'm getting it from.

With regards,


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Hey there Johan,

Do you mean like this:

user posted image

user posted image

The sump is no more than an old tank with two dividers at each end. Not hard at all.



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sorry to hijack you post Johan

Glenn in those photo's i cant see any wiers. Do you have the back off you tanks drilled our are you using and skimmer/overflow setup? the sump looks good, nice and basic


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Hi Nigel,

I can't see any pre-filter material above the bio-balls. What method of pre-filter do you use?

To answer you Josh, I have the top back corners drilled for a 40mm gravity return down to each side of the sump. They are positioned 50mm down from the top edge and 50 mm in from the side walls.



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Its a barrel union. Its there so i can take the lid of the mini reef without pulling all the pipe work apart. Thay unscrew and come apart in two piecies and i can just lift the lid of the mini reef.

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