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OT: Baby wild bird...I need your help!


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About an hour ago, I've found a baby wild bird that was sitting on the ground along one of the pathway in my uni. And yes, it's on the ground, not on a tree. ohmy.gif It is a little bird that still can't fry yet, and you can see that its feathers are still growing...ie. it's pink on the neck and under the wings..

I've just brought it home and gave it a little cardboard container to rest inside, if I leave the bird and don't pick it up, I'm sure that those feral cats would have kill it when the sun is set later this afternoon. sad.gif

My major problem is I'm not sure on what food should I feed it? Can I get some small live circkets from pet shop and chop thier heads off and feed the meat to the bird? Can anyone please help me and give some advices on what I should do to grow it up? Any information would much appreciated.


Heidi unsure.gif

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Can you tell what type off bird it is because that will determine what you feed it.

It would probably best to call WIRES look in your yellow or white pages they will be able to tell you what is best for it.

most important though is keep it warm.

I hope it survives.


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I have no idea on what species it is..but this bird is very common in Sydney and you can found it anywhere here even at backyards and gardens. Actually, this is the 3rd baby bird that I've found within 2 years.. blink.gif

At the beginning and the end of Year 2002, I've found two baby birds, respectively, that were also sitting on the ground under a tree at the same location of that little bird I just found today! It seems that I found ONE / TWO little bird each year at the same spot..and that's really weird...huh.gif

I can show you guys a pic of the previous baby bird that I've found...I've tried to save it and feed it with berries that I picked at uni (saw the adult birds picked those berries up and brought them back to their nest)..but it has only survived for exactly 2 weeks and passed away due to bleeding (found blood in its feces..) I cried like hell when I saw this little bird has died.... cry2.gif I really love it...

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The bird that I just found today is exactly the same as the bird in this pic..is it a pest bird?

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Hey congratulations you are now the proud parent of a noisy miner, a native bird.

As mentioned keep it warm , ie small cardboard box, with a light shining very close to the outside of the box, check periodically, for temp and adjust acordingly, if you want place an old towel in the box for the bird to snuggle into, at night.,

maybe a cage duing the day so it can get some exercise and sunlight

food, noisy miners are related to honey eaters, and the one in the pic is at a decent age to start feeding more solid type foods.

a diet of complan nectar, finely cut soft fruits, meals worms and insects. should be ok. put the fruit in some water and then offer it to the bird , it is better if it will take it its self, but if not a dropper for the water, and a pair of blunt plastic disposable tweesers for the food, will work fine.. but not too much water this will give the bird the runs...

Not sure about NSW but in Qld you need to have a permit to care for native animals, so I would contact a carrer group like wires and go from there.

Hope it all works out, for you both...

P.S. I am in a wildlife group, currently have 4 wallaby joeys in the house, way cute!

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LOL.gif This type of bird at the young stage is, indeed, extremely *noisy*!!!! wacko.gif It won't stop making the noise and just keep calling for its mum to give it some food.... dry.gif But once i've noticed from previous experience that once it is full, it will automatically stop calling.

I used to keep the previous baby bird in a cardboard box (i've got no cage), there was a little girl who lives opposite my buliding and she heard those annoying noises from the bird and just shout at the windows saying "SHUT UP!!!!!!" LOL.gif... then I moved the box into the house and she hasn't complaint about it anymore.

Trofius, thankyou for the great info about this bird. It really helps and give me some directions on how to keep it warm, I'll look for a lamp in the cupboard and see if I can keep it warm at night..it's quite cold during the night and i'm afriad it might can't stand the cold...As for food, can I feed it some bananas and maybe some softened apples? huh.gif The bird still cannot take the food by itself and needs to be hand-feed...can I feed it with some honey as well? the one that named "yellow box" use for cooking?

I'll now go to a pet shop and get a box of small circkets back home to feed it...any tips on how to catch a circket without letting them escape from the container?

Once again, thankyou all of the input and I'm very appreciated.


Heidi wub.gif

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Hey Heidi,

It is a little bird that still can't fly yet, and you can see that its feathers are still growing...ie. it's pink on the neck and under the wings..

It's still pretty young, and it needs to be VERY warm ! if you have a thermometer, stick it in with the baby, and use a 25 or 40 watt globe in the lamp, and hang it above the baby, and move it up or down to get the desired temp on the thermometer, which at that age should be about 25-30ºC

It still needs a fair bit of liquid food. Have a look in your petshop and ask them if they have "Wombaroo" brand "Insectivore Rearing Mix", (it's a powder)you'll need to make this up with some boiled water (not still boiling though, but needs to be fairly warm)

And get a teaspoon, bend the edges up on it, to make it narrower, and use this to put the mix in it's mouth. You'll need to make the mix up fairly thick, so it only just slides down the spoon.

Feed it until it stops begging, and do this about 3-4 times a day.

Most important of all, however, is that it's illegal to keep it and you should call wires, and get someone to get it from you.

Tell them it's a Noisy Miner around fledging age.

Hope this helps, drop me a PM if you need any more info.

I often hand-raise my Cockatiel chicks even before they start to grow feathers blink.gif

They need to be fed every 2-3 hours at that age huh.gif



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Thankyou Andy, you are an real expert on birds! clap.gif

I've searched through the internet and just found the contacts of WIRES, I will give them a call tomorrow morning to see what they can do with the bird. wink.gif The bird it's actually not that young, it looks exactly the same as the picture below and you can see its neck is pink when it is cleaning its feathers under its wings...I would guess this bird is around 2 - 3 weeks old and it can jumps around my house... laugh.gif

I actually do have that "Insectivore Rearing Mix" at home, but not really sure on its brand though. It is a yellowish coloured powder..kinda smells like crushed cookies..yum yum~~ laugh.gif I used to fed this mix to the previous baby birds that i found, and mixed it with warm water then stirred until it turned into a thick paste.

I've translocated this baby into a small styroform box since that carboard box can't really insulates the cold at all....I've also placed some newspaper at the bottom, then wrapped the bird with an old tower, placed this box in a warmer place of inside the house (I don't have a thermometer nor a warm lamp, the globe is not warm even I turned it on for more than 2 hours, it can't produce heat at all....

Anyway, that local petshop that I just went today at around 5.30pm has run out of small circkets..they've only got meal worms, woodies, earthworms, and Maggots!!!!! scratch.gif I'll look at other shop tomorrow and see whether I can get some small cicrkets...or meal worms... wacko.gif

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Ahhh, Good-o about the insectivore mix.

If he's the same as in the pic, then he probably won't need too much extra heating, a styrofoam box is good.

Maybe put the box on top of your warmest tank ? that should be pretty warm.

The Noisy Miner is not to be confused with the Indian or Common Mynah,

the latter is an introduced pest that steals pet food, among other crimes.

Noisy Miners are a native species, but they sure can be a pest trying to eat finches through aviary wire mad.gif (Although nothing can beat a Butcherbird for decapitating them through 12mm mesh ! ) blink.gif



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It's a very good idea to place the box on top of my 3ft tank (it's 26'C), thanks for that advice, Andy. I'll take a picture of it and show you tomorrow..smile.gif

Yeah..I can tell the differences between a Common Mynah and a Noisy Miner, just that don't really know their English names until Trofius has identified the bird for me...I always see many noisy miners in my uni and they alway attack larger birds such as Magpies. blink.gif As for the common Mynah, it is a brownish black headed bird with yellow beak, looks pretty different from the noisy miners though (adults are grey with little bit of black on the heads)..

Oh...one more question, I've noticed that the baby bird's feces are kinda greenish with a little bit of white in a moistened solid form. Do you have any ideas on what type of foods it has eaten? Insects?



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Yep! 100% positive that it is not an Indian Mynah~

Indian Mynah has dark-brown feathers while noisy miner has grey coloured feathers. Their heads looked pretty alike, but their bodies and walking behaviour looks completely different. smile.gif

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Yep, definitely not an Indian Mynah tongue.gif

Faeces are the best way to learn about a bird's health.

I know it sounds disgusting, but could you get a pic of those too ? woot.gifblush.gif

They sound normal-ish, but may be a bit wet cos of stress.

I agree with Adrian09, but you DO have to keep it alive and healthy first.

For those in doubt....

Indian Mynah Pic

Noisy Miner Pic



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G'day Andy,

I woke up this morning and fed the bird with the mix together with a little bit of banana...but it just won't open its mouth to eat. My family then suggested to take it back to its home, therefore I didn't ring WIRES and has returned the baby back to the bush half an hour ago! smile.gif I placed the whole styrofam box on the ground (the place where I found it yesterday), opened the box lid and allowed the baby jumped out from the box itself.

Immediately after I opened the lid, some adult birds were flying in circles around the box and when the baby heard the calls from the adults, it went really excited and jumped out from the box then followed its parents and they fed it immediately with something! woot.gif I'm really happy to see the parents are taking back the baby and feed it immediately!

I've watched them for more than 20 mins and make sure that the baby is safe before I leave...I placed the baby on a small tree (I'm not tall enough to reach tall trees... dry.gif ), and observed the adults behaviour and saw that they still taking turns to feed the bird. I'm really glad that I've return the bird to nature, hope it will survive and good luck to it!

BTW, I've took some pics of the baby this morning, I'll post them up here later today. blush.gif



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I went to check the bird again after I posted the above message on this morning. It seems doing ok on the tree and the adults are still continually feeding it, they actually want to attack me when I get too close to the baby! LOL.gif

I'll try to visit him in the uni and see if he's doing ok...Anyways, here are some pics of this little bird and hope it will survive into adulthood.

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Heidi smile.gif

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I just went to visit him about half an hour ago (in uni now)...and my surprise is that he has survived!!! woot.gif I'm so happy to see that! He jumped from the tree that I placed him on to the tree that next to it...a even taller tree! It's really a great news to me!

Anyway, thankyou all of the helpful advices and all of the input~ God bless the little chick! clap.gif



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