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Adult size


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Hoping someone can clarify some questions I have regarding the mazimum size of Green Terrors and Red Bellied Pacu.

Reading through a number of websites I find some say GT's grow to 6-7 inches others say 10-11 inches(in the aquarium). That's a big difference.

As for Red Bellied Pacu, my LFS tells me they grow as big as your hand, on the net most sites say they grow huge, 60-80 cm and one site said upto 110 cm.

Are we talking the same fish here?

There seems to be a lot of discrepencies in sizes for most American species.

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From what we have been told from the wholesalers the RB Pacu's are supposed to be a dwarf variety??? I didnt know there was any, supposedly the fish that are being used to breed these are only around 7-8" and quite a few years old.

Supposedly being bred in Melb.. What have others heard about these that are getting around.

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From what we have been told from the wholesalers the RB Pacu's are supposed to be a dwarf variety??? I didnt know there was any, supposedly the fish that are being used to breed these are only around 7-8" and quite a few years old.

Supposedly being bred in Melb.. What have others heard about these that are getting around.

The fish you are refering to are Metynnis maculatus spotted Metynnis, or spotted silver dollar, which have been getting around, these are not true red bellied pacus.

True Red Bellied Pacus are Colossoma bidens

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Yes, a well known wholesaler recently made a big mistake regarding these fish.

Even though they knew the fish to be a Metynnis sp. (Silver dollar) they decided to give it the akward common name of: "Metynnis Red Bellied Pacu". And of course when this fish made it to the shops, they all decided to drop the Metynnis from the name.

So yes, Alex is correct, the fish are Metynnis maculatus not Colossoma bidens...

Although at the present time (as far as I can tell???) the taxonomy of Pacu looks like this:

There are two species sold under the common name of "Black Pacu", Colossoma macropomum & Piaractus brachypomus.

Red Bellied Pacu appear to be called Piaractus mesopotamicus.

All wholesalers should do their research before labelling fish. The shops usually believe what they say is gospel, then they pass the mistakes on to the general public.

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