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Aquasonic Rift Lake Buffer


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hi all, i just got some aquasonic rift lake buffer and added it to my tank. my problem is the tank has gone extremely cloudy, is this normal for this product as i have never used this particular one before. should i be worried?



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Hi harry, i just started using this product with my last water change(2 days ago) and my water also went from crystal clear to cloudy, although im not sure if its harmful, 1 of my fishs eyes almost popped out of its head, i have 20 cyathopharynx furcifer coppers in my tank and it only happened to one of them, not sure if this was related to the rift lake salt though. Did you let it desolve befor you put it in the tank?



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hi daniel, thanks for the reply. yes i did disolve it in a bucket before hand however i spoke to someone who used to use the product and he said this was normal and water clarity will come back within a day. He also said to avoid to much cloudiness, knead the salt with a tiny bit of water (similar to dough) into a ball then place it in the tank and the ball will slowly disolve with little effect on the water clarity. good luck with the foai smile.gif



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in just put it straight into the tank and let it disolve in there my cloudiness goes in about 1 minute, i used to use aquarium pharmacueticals salts but it always went cloudy so i stopped using it and changed to aquasonic

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I used the aquasonic stuff when I first started, it's not bad. Prolly more suited to Tangs than Malawis tho. THe prob I had with it is that it raises gH and Ph all in one go and you really should control them individually. My theory as to the cloudiness is the limited solubility of the calcium carbonate in the stuff. It goes in OK then seems to precipate out as the pH rises. Dont worry it wont hurt your fish.


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Why don't you guys buy a 200-litre barrel (or more suitable size), and mix your water there in advance to requirements. You can then water age, and heat it to the appropriate temperature too, and never have to worry about the issue you raised again.

I use the Seachem salts, and they too cloud the water, and those of you that use an Ammonia Alert, will also testify to the fact they get a reading from it when the salts and buffers are first put in.

I fill my barrel after each water change, and have it sitting being turned over with a box filter, and a week later, when I use the water, all issues are resolved with no work by me, and no stress rolleyes.gif . If you've got the room, get some sort of water change facility, and you'll have no more problems.


Ps Is that short enough for you Warren?

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i have used aquasonic's rift lake buffer for a while now, i actually changed from using the Seachem salts to the aquasonic product and other than the short period of cloudiness(max 1day) i don't find it to be a cheap and nasty product. I mean it seems to do the job as good as Seachem as i've noticed there is more breeding related activity after a water change. I know that a good water change usually triggers the breeding behavior of most cichlids but i've noticed it more after the addition of aquasonic rift lake buffer...Many of my friends agree.

now was that a good plug or what!

kiddin. wink.gif

cheers guys

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