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tank lighting


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hi , I would love to hear everyone's ideas on best lighting techniques.

I use a large flouro on my five footer and a white/blue led on my smaller tanks.

it seems like the fluorescent light creates way more algae growth than the leds,

are there different types of fluorescent bulbs to help with this?

how many hours a day do you light up your tanks?

anyone tried submersible lights?

i'm keen for any suggestions/feedback


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You will probably find the Fluoro is the wrong spectrum. Is it an aquarium globe or just an ordinary flouro tube?

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I used a tri-phosphor tube in a bright white. I can't remember the correct spectrum but I think it's something like 10-12 thousand kevlin. I don't know if it's printed on the tube, but I have found that if it looks yellowish it is probably no good.

Bunnings sell the globes and are pretty well priced.

For best results use a specific aquarium tube.

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I'm still yet to see a light that beats a (Power-Glo T8 18000 Kelivin) fluro globe for bringing out all colors in fish and demote algae growth.

You only need the light on when your looking at the tank unless you have plants.

I turn mine on when I get home from work and switch of one hour before I go to bed.

Place light on top of tank and towards the front as the the darker background presents your lit up fish in the front better.

If your on a budget and go to bunnings,,,, then anything less than a 865 will have a yellow tinge to it.

If you choose 865 daylight or more you will end up with a crisp blue white or crisp green white.

Phillips brand uses a gas that is the blue side of the white gas spectrum.

Osram brand uses a gas that is the green side of the white gas spectrum.

But still,,, although these tubes give of very bright light,,, they are nothing compared to the Power-Glo for lifting the fishes color.

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+1 for the Powerglo although you do pay for it..

What sort of tank is the light on. Planted / rock-minor planting / rock - no plants.

Algae wont form just on excess light itself. It is a combination of a few parameters that can be caused by a number of things..

Overfeeding will lead to algal growth. High Nitrate levels for prolonged periods. Hi Phosphate levels..

I use both LED's and Flouros and they can cause the same algal growth. Its sought of like the fire triangle.. You cant have a fire without ignition/fuel/oxygen..

I would recomend about 8 - 10 hours a day! I run mine on a timer from 5am-8am then 4pm-9pm. Im not home during the day so the light is not essential. The room has enough natural light for the fish to know its daytime!

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