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Sick Yellow Lab


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Hi everyone,

I've come home today to a sick yellow lab. I have a 3ft, 120L tank with 3 labs, 2 bumblebees, 2 blue acei (m/f) & 2 bristlenose - all juveniles. One yellow is looking pale and is swimming at the top of the tank. Her eyes are bulging with a red tinge on her scales behind them and her ventral fins aren't moving. She didn't eat when I just fed them. There has been no agro in the tank but one of the bumblebees is starting to have a nip at her.

I have checked the water: 25 degrees, PH 8.2, Amm 0, nitrites 0, but nitrates 10-20. I performed a 40L water change 2 days ago so concerned the nitrates so high.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.



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I'm thinking it might be too late for my little yellow. She has only one side fin now and her tail fin is tattered. I think I may need to put her out of her misery.

Any advice on what may have happened and if I need to take any action on my tank (esp the raised nitrate levels).


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