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How to Price my Cichlids?


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Hello all,

I signed up to this forum months ago, but due to a mix of life and budget (my tank broke) issues my fish kind of got put 2nd for a while. I now have my tank all set up and my Demasoni Cichlids have started breeding. To note these are the first cichlids I've owned, and the first fish I've actually managed to breed. My tropicals don't seem to ever breed...or they get eaten lol

I only have 9 Demasoni Fry currently what was my isolation tank, they around 4-6mm, so tiny. I was planning on selling them once they reach 2-3cms, what would they go for? I have no interest in charging anything near a fish shop, just want to know a good starting point. I don't really want to sell them to the fish store, since they'd only give me store credit at $2/fish. But if that's what they're worth, that's what they're worth.

http://i.imgur.com/PsFnZLx.jpg < Fry currently

Thanks, Aaron.

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Oops thankyou, found the search functions. About $5 each is what others have them for, that's sounds alright to me.

I do want to slowly remove the males in my tank, but I'll deal with that when they're all grown

Thanks, Aaron.

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If Demasoni are the first Cichlid you have kept and you have bred them, you are doing well. Many experienced people have struggled to contain their aggression, let alone breed them.

$5 per fish is a good starting point. LFS usually give a lot less because of their overheads and their need to make a profit. I wouldn't be selling mine for $2 a fish to anyone.

You no longer need to apply for access to the classifieds. So post them up for sale and if someone local wants them they can contact you. If you were closer I would buy them.

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If Demasoni are the first Cichlid you have kept and you have bred them, you are doing well. Many experienced people have struggled to contain their aggression, let alone breed them.

$5 per fish is a good starting point. LFS usually give a lot less because of their overheads and their need to make a profit. I wouldn't be selling mine for $2 a fish to anyone.

You no longer need to apply for access to the classifieds. So post them up for sale and if someone local wants them they can contact you. If you were closer I would buy them.

I've had tropicals myself for around 1year now and helped when I was growing up with my parents tanks. I started the cichlids because I wanted a change...and they do look nicer in my opinion.

I did a tonne of research about the demanosi, so have had no deaths so far. I only have 11, which is on the low side. 4 males and 7 females, but so far so good. I am going to remove the males and replace with females if I can find another local breeder. Has been a lot of fun so far :D

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