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how big a tank...


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  • 4 weeks later...

ive had common bn spawn at 7cm depends on your water conditions feed and territory but when you get fry its a gd idea to change upto 10% of water daily or every two days min itll give you a more success rate

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I had a pair of Albino Bristlenose going crazy in a 30" tank. Monthly spawns for almost 7 months..

I have heard a lot of 2ft tanks been used for catfish breeding..

For the Petricola, I would use a 3ft tank at least. By the time you add filttration and heating, plus 1-2 breeding tubs for them, you might not have any room for the fish in anything smaller.


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  • 2 months later...

Have been wondering what is the best sized tanks to use. Looking at setting up a breeding rack i have 4 males and 11 females at 10cm plus. Atm they are in my 3 footer which is divided into 3 sections and running a 2 foot sump. Had 3 batches of fry so far but not much success with survival rate. Reading all the info in the threads my temp is prob too high.

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