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New Tanganyikans


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Hi All,

Long story short after selling our house with a short settlement, and my tank moving plans now not being feasible, I was looking to get another tank to set up at a relatives with my fish in so when I get into the new house I could set my big tank and convert my current 5x2x2 into the sump. I found an add on Ebay with a 6x2x2, fx6, led lights and some other stuff that I could use, and some Tanganyikan fish including wild caughts. I bid on it and won it for $700. I now have 4 wild caught Cyphotilapia frontosa 'Zaire Blue', Altolamprologus compressiceps 'Gold Head', 2 Neolamprologus leleupi, a supposed wild caught pair of Limnochromis auritus, and some form of Cyprichromis that I am yet to identify. I really like the fish and now I have 6 weeks to decide what lake finally ends up in the 8x3x2, and what goes in the 6x2x2 that will be next to it (hopefully, boss yet to approve).

Any tips, advice or name corrections welcome as I have not kept Tangs before, especially an I.D. on the Cyprichromis so I can look into putting a school together.



Some pics of them in my 3x18x18 quarantine/med tank.






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Shon should have a better ID on the Cyp, but to me it looks like some form of C. microlepidotus.

Those fronts are sweet, but those auritus are amazing... i want some!!

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Thanks for the feedback everyone.

After more reasearch on keeping the Fronts I have seen that they can only really be kept with with the Comps once they are grown out (and possibly the auritus, yet to find any clear info on this). As such I will set them up in the 6x2x2 and add a couple of fish once I am %100 on what variant they are for a colony of 6. They came from Meng at Keysbourgh here in Melbourne and I so I am hoping to track down some more info. I will move on the Cyprichromis and will decide on the auritus and leleupi after more reasearch and when I see how many tanks I end up with in the new house.



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They are nice fire sure. I would suggest you do do more research on what variant they are as Zaire blue is not really correct and more of a trade name. There are heaps of Zaire variants all quite distinct in their coloring. most of the serious fronnie keepers go to painstaking lengths to ensure they stay true. It would be a shame to lose all that hard work especially given how lucky we ate in Australia to have the variety we have. The Frontosafanatics forum will be of assistance for you if you haven't already found them.

Nice fish anyway.



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Thanks for the recent comments,

Rosco, agree with regards to keeping the true lines and have been researching them. I went in and spoke with Meng at Keysborough today and he confirmed that they are fish that he imported and sold and has said that they are wild caught Zaire Moba. I have also joined Frontosa Fanatics and have been researching their care and natural habitat, etc.

Loydashton, thanks for the advice, based on what I have been told do you think this is accurate? I have noticed that the dominant male has excavated a cave under a rock pile and has gained a lot more blue in his overall coloration now that he has settled in. I will post updated photos when I get a chance.



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