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hi ID please just saw these in a fish shop


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Looks like a Placidochromis but I have seen fish like that lately labelled blue peacocks (and I doubted they were Aulonocara). Although hard to say from the vid.

Suspect not the same as the others in the tank there. Keen for others' opinions.

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Hi looks like what they used call haplochromis deep water Electra that was years ago its pro ally had a name

Change since then.

Cheers mick

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no :( you mean placidochromis electra deep water hap

i breed them :)

the fry in the tank have markings like protameleas spilonatus if i remeber correctly when i was keeping them

i was thinking some sort of copadichromis ? hmmmm no idea lol

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when i first saw them with the dots along body i said oto

so you think the actual dominant male and the other fish in the tank and the same spieces ?

is there many around ? i wonder who dropped it off to this fish shop

only thing that stands out is his anal fin is black with a strong yellow that most of the fish mentioned dont have. no egg spots


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Jalo has tints of yellow, the fish in question appears to be developing a little more yellow than a tint.

As said most ottos and being tetraspilus to usually its dots or spots rather than broken bar.

Tetraspilus also usually has the colored crest taking up most of the dorsal.

But since link2hell has mentioned tetraspilus,,, it's the closest thing as I seeing it being over my first depiction of mbamba which doesn't have any horizontal lines or spots. (male looks it,,,, the subdominant male proves the colored male is part of the rest,,, though the subdominant would be good to see in a little more progressed color looking like other male counterpart)

Biggest problem is,,, that these species present a long time ago, and the typical history of pure forms endangered in the hobby due to hybridizing.

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