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Replacement for my Jag


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Hi all,

Just joined the forum.

Lost my Favourite fish today. My 31cm Jag. He has been getting beaten up by my 35cm Red devil lately and i had him in another tank to give him a rest and let him heal for a while. Went to feed him this morning and found himon the floor. Still breathing but he didnt pull through. Pretty gutted.

But now the question is what to replace him with. Need something big enoiugh to stand up to my devil. Hes too big and nice looking to get rid of. Was thinking maybe a pair of something. Ive always wanted a massive jag and cant get past it. Thinking either jags or festae. Either way it could end up disastrous.

Any other ideas?

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The Devil is the alpha inhabitant. Any additions, whether larger or around the same size will get the same treatment as your dearly departed Jag. Enjoy your Devil. Allow this fish to grow to max potential AND most of all enjoy it for what it is . A really hard buM aggressive beast. It has been hard wired that way by millions of years of evolution and nothing nor anyone can change that.

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only options would be Dovii or Umbriferum but they would need

to be a similar size

you would need to take the devil out for a while and change the

tank structure but even after all of this it will most likely end

with some one getting killed or badly beaten

if you added a female devil you would need a partition

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