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plants in tank and the tank itself has turned to shambles


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Hi guys I'm new to this forum,

Pretty much for 4 years now I own a juwel rio 180, I use to have convicts jewel cichlids kribensis firemouths tiger barbs in the same tank which was alright for a while until everything just started to go downhill so I decided to get rid of them all (can't believe I had all of them together). all I had left to start from scratch was a golden sucking loach which I have had for 6 years when it use to be in a 5 gallon tank (never ever buy one) a redtail shark and a flying fox catfish. I didn't want any tetras gouramis etc because I had them in previous tanks and felt that they were quite boring and when I saw africian cichlids it just appealed to me. thing was at the time last year I had a ph of 6.7 which was way to low for africians and I wasn't sure how to raise it, my lfs told me to use midnight black gravel because it would raise the ph enough to a point where the catfishes and shark could tolerate it, (I didn't want to rehome them) and so my ph got to around 7.4-7.6. so it's been around 5 months now and since changing the gravel and getting Africans aceis electric yellows rusties everything literally has turned to shambles and I want to run into a wall. the only plants I had were java ferns since I got the tank which were huge and full of life and ever since I changed the gravel, 85% of the java ferns have rotted and died. I don't understand because in my old substrate which was a naturaI looking standard gravel,l planted the ferns even though you weren't suppose to, but they grew like a weed and when I changed to midnight I used elastic bands to attach it to rocks but by doing this they still died. so pretty much theres no more hiding places in the tank, fish have turned on each other and everyone just looks stressed because there isn't anywhere to hide and I just want to throw the tank in the bin. I don't know what to do because I screwed up big time and I'm lost

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with Africans I use rocks lots and lots of rock to make caves lots of them
and your PH. should be from 7.8-8.4 that will make them happy
and u don't use plants with them they will eat them I tried and they will eat them
use Coral sand that will get your ph. up there
with Africans the more fish u have the better off u are
I have 1 male to 3-4 female (like 1 male yellow to 3-4 female yellows that way they don't pick on the
same fish all the time)

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