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Aquariums around Sydney & western Sydney

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Hi all,

Spent the day visiting a few aquariums around the place and thought I'd share my experiance will everyone. First I went to labrynth at campsie, Andrew is a very knolageable man and I found the service very good, next I went to allfish2u at penrith. I went there after seeing an ad on gumtree, it stated that they had a "HUGE" range of fish, tried calling before I went but there was no answer. After visiting I was very disappointed by what little stock they had, there was maybe 5 tanks that had Africans. And they where suppose to be having a moving sale! Nothing was on sale and most if not all stock was overpriced. Very disappointed after traveling from Liverpool to penrith, so in conclusion anyone looking for a

Good place to find nice stock and knolageable people, go see Andrew at campsie. Also ( sorry I can't remember the name) there is a nice load of stock and good prices at the aquarium on hoxton park rd at Prestons. Thanks to all who take the time to have a read of this!

Regards Scott.

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Here are some of the ones I have been to over the last year or so.

Labyrinth - Campsie - biggest selection of cichlids & best advice

Something fishy - Cartwright - quite a good selection

City Garden Aquarium - nice place, has really increased their selection lately.

Reef River Reptile - Hornsby - good selection

Wetherill park - OK worth a look

They are probably the main ones in terms of cichlds, then there are also

Le Aquatic, Majestic & one on Parramatta road that also have cichlids. I haven't been to Abyss so can't comment.

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Auburn used to be good but haven't been there for years. There is also another decent shop in Hornsby that was near Anthony but I it was more general aquaria. I did go to another one in the around the airport that was Ok as well but mainly Marine, discus and general aquaria. Matraville or something like that. At the discus place around Randwick.

These places were on my old phone that got destroyed and I am hopeless with names

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Reef river reptile is real close to my house in hornsby...great if i need something quick

but literally cannot say enough good things about labyrnth at campsie i try to wait until i need a few things or after some fish and take a trip there!

I went to majestic at taren point after seeing on his youtub channel a video of a shark tank - went there and....it was empty with no glass...so devo! haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Guys,

I been wanting to visit AllFish2U but it seems to be just tropical? On facebook they have a few rare looking tropicals though. One that caught my eye was some gold metallic khuli loaches :drooling: . But didn't want to travel all the way up there just to see them in person. As the OP said only 5 tanks of Africans?

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