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can bn catfish thrive in a high ph african tank?


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Simple answer is yes, I have had bristlenose breeding and thriving in my African system for many years :)

Just don't throw them straight from soft acidic water into the hard alkaline water, put them in a bucket of their original water and use some airline tubing to slowly mix the new water to acclimatise them first.

Cheers, Doug

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100% will be ok

Been breeding for me for years in hard water

But I suggest she'll dwellers/ bristlenose not good combo

A few things the bristlenose will trap them in logs and so on

Plus eat the eggs once they get in the shells at night


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Sorry guys but I disagree, they will survive and breed but to state that they will "thrive" is false.

The number of times that I have seen people cringe at folks keeping Africans and Americans together yet the humble Ancistrus get a she'll be right toss it in any tank.

If you are going to do it avoid albinos, they will show burn marks, stick to the plain old sp. 3 in brown colour and as stated don't move them from their natural environmental tolerances to a high Ph as this may have a negative effect.

Noting the OP only has two posts I think a bit more valid information for them is warranted.

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Sorry guys but I disagree, they will survive and breed but to state that they will "thrive" is false.

The number of times that I have seen people cringe at folks keeping Africans and Americans together yet the humble Ancistrus get a she'll be right toss it in any tank.

If you are going to do it avoid albinos, they will show burn marks, stick to the plain old sp. 3 in brown colour and as stated don't move them from their natural environmental tolerances to a high Ph as this may have a negative effect.

Noting the OP only has two posts I think a bit more valid information for them is warranted.

What do you mean by burn marks? Also 7.8 is too high? Thanks for your response =)

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I have seen numerous albino BN kept in Hugh ph tanks display what looks like darkened burn marks on various parts of the body. While I can not say its due to ph entirely I have never seen it on an albino kept in neutral or acidic water.

To be honest they do best between 5.8-7.2. They will survive as stated in your tank and will Iikley breed for you too. I just like folks to get good info, and as an L cat breeder I still have a soft spot for the much neglected and abused bristlenose.

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