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What geophagus is this?


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Looks like a very old and/or poorly conditioned Geophagus Surinamensis. I am basing my opinion by the overall shape of the of this specimen and its very shrunken gut cavity. Let us all know when a positive i.d. is estasblished.

Cheers ... John

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big call on a suri most sold as Surinamensis were mislabled, there are only a handful of true Surinamensis in Aus I would be leaning to altifron 1 based on the steep forehead and lateral spot placement

mcsx I cant quite see branco, maybe its because of the poor shape?

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I agree with MCSX that it is G. altifrons sp. Rio Branco

matches the description on Eartheaters Australia site


Surinamensis years ago would have been all you needed

and was still OK when we had Brachybrancus the black throat

and then we had an influx of Surinamensoid species that through slack

management by the retailers and wholesalers plus the fickle what's hot

and not fashion of the hobby in Australia and lack of education

on the need for correct species locale you get what we have now

there are still pockets of Geo lovers out there but I fear we have lost

many species including the original type species that was G. altifrons

and was believed to have come from Manaus or Toncantins because

of how long it had been in the country and trying to match it to desciptions

of the species

who ever called surnamensoids "Red Horsface" and then kept this lame

trade name going should have their nuts removed :grrr:

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Too bloody right. The fashionable practice of mis- naming for a few more bucks really gives me the "tom tits".

So does bulk breeding without any thought to the damage it ultimately does to the species in the long term.

Better stop ... Otherwise I will blow a " poodle valve"


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Hi all, I am still waiting to hear back from the supplier what type of altifrons it is but I am leaning towards rio branco. It could very well be a hybrid and possibly sums up the surinamensoid type geos in australia. Maybe altifrons are lost (well i hope not)

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Altifrons and Rio branco are seperate, There were some altifrons floating around qld and perth, not sure if they still are.

But yeah

big call on a suri most sold as Surinamensis were mislabled, there are only a handful of true Surinamensis in Aus I would be leaning to altifron 1 based on the steep forehead and lateral spot placement

mcsx I cant quite see branco, maybe its because of the poor shape?

Yeah They all vary in shape, you have to remember these fish have been in the country for along time, and bred with the original stocks for who knows how long.

Cheers Mark

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