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Sexing Peppermint Bristlenose


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Would anyone like to have a go at sexing my peppermints for me?

They were sold to me some time ago as a definite male/female pair (not a breeding pair).

Male is approx. 10cm, female is about 6cm

The male is obviously a male but I'm not too sure about the female.

'She' appears to be pretty slender but perhaps this is because she has no eggs yet or hasn't eaten for a while...

I can't seem to get a decent profile shot of her but I know that she has the female typical two whiskers at the top lip, then there is a third just above the lip.

I notice that there are differences in both of their fins and have heard people sex L number catfish using the fins as reference before.

Both together for body comparison








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G'day Chris and thanks.

Yeah, feeding NLS pellets and zucchini or cucumber from time to time (probably not enough though...)

My problem is that I have them in with about 90+ rosy barbs who eat anything and everything and are pretty quick too... I try to feed them at night as a way to get around this but I'm not so sure that the peppermints are getting enough food...

Good to know that she is a female - was starting to think otherwise.



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Il say its a male only because of the third bristle growing

You can't sex pepps at this size with top shot pics

You need to feel the top of its nose if it's skin then bone it's a girl if it's skin then jelly it's a boy

And with a side shot of its head as with the development of top bristles on nose prove its a male!

Get back to us with a pic or what you felt once you touched the top of its nose

Also if you have them separated and the younger one is not subdominant and has its own tank it should produce its top bristles earlier

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